Sfoglia per Autore VIALE, Matteo
Boolean valued semantics for infinitary logics
In corso di stampa Suárez, JMS; Viale, M
Second order arithmetic as the model companion of set theory
2023-01-01 Venturi, G; Viale, M
2023-01-01 Venturi, G; Viale, M
Incompatible bounded category forcing axioms
2022-01-01 Aspero D.; Viale M.
Set Theory
2021-01-01 Farah, Ilijas; Schindler, Ralf-Dieter; Sinapova, Dima; Woodin, W. Hugh, Matteo Viale, altri
New axioms in set theory
2018-01-01 Matteo Viale
Absoluteness via resurrection
2017-01-01 Audrito, Giorgio; Viale, Matteo
Generic absoluteness and boolean names for elements of a Polish space
2017-01-01 Vaccaro, Andrea; Viale, Matteo
Forcing the truth of a weak form of Schanuel’s conjecture
2016-01-01 Viale, Matteo
Category forcings, MM+++, and generic absoluteness for the theory of strong forcing axioms
2016-01-01 Viale, Matteo
Martin's maximum revisited
2016-01-01 Viale, Matteo
Martin’s Maximum and tower forcing
2013-01-01 Sean Cox;Matteo Viale
Guessing models and generalized Laver diamond
2012-01-01 Matteo Viale
On the consistency strength of the proper forcing axioms
2011-01-01 Viale Matteo, Weiss Christoph
Some consequences of reflection on the approachability ideal
2010-01-01 Assaf Sharon; Matteo Viale
On the mapping reflection principle MRP
2009-01-01 M. Viale
Forcing axioms, supercompact cardinals, singular cardinals combinatorics
2008-01-01 M. Viale
A family of covering properties
2008-01-01 M. Viale
The proper forcing axiom and the singular cardinal hypothesis
2006-01-01 M. Viale
The cumulative hierarchy and the constructible universe of ZFA
2004-01-01 M. Viale
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