Sfoglia per Autore ROSSI, Michele
La geometria dell'apparecchio per la ricerca di travolti in valanga (ARTVa)
2022-01-01 Alberto Alzati, Michele Rossi, Cristina Turrini
Embedding the Picard group inside the class group: the case of Q -factorial complete toric varieties
2021-01-01 Rossi M.; Terracini L.
Embedding non-projective Mori dream space
2020-01-01 Rossi, Michele
Fibration and classification of smooth projective toric varieties of low Picard number
2020-01-01 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
Toric varieties and Gröbner bases: the complete Q -factorial case
2020-01-01 Rossi M.; Terracini L.
A Q-factorial complete toric variety with Picard number 2 is projective
2018-01-01 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
Erratum to: A Q-factorial complete toric variety is a quotient of a poly weighted space
2018-01-01 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
A Small and Non-simple Geometric Transition
2017-01-01 Rossi, Michele
A numerical ampleness criterion via Gale duality
2017-01-01 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
A Q -factorial complete toric variety is a quotient of a poly weighted space
2017-01-01 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
Z-linear Gale duality and poly weighted spaces (PWS)
2016-01-01 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
Recensione a: Shen, Mingmin "On relations among 1-cycles on cubic hypersurfaces"
2015-01-01 Michele Rossi
MAPLE subroutines for computing Milnor and Tyurina numbers of hypersurface singularities with application to Arnol'd adjacencies
2015-01-01 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
Deforming geometric transitions
2015-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a:Kotschick D., Schreieder S. "The Hodge ring of Kähler manifolds" Compos. Math. 149 (2013), no. 4, 637--657.
2014-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Markushevich D. "Integrable systems from intermediate Jacobians of 5-folds" Mat. Contemp. 41 (2012), 49--60
2014-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Kato Kazuya, Nakayama Chikara, Usui Sampei "Classifying spaces of degenerating mixed Hodge structures, III: spaces of nilpotent orbits" J. Algebraic Geom. 22 (2013), no. 4, 671--772.
2014-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a Looijenga, E. Trento notes on Hodge theory. Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino 69 (2011), no. 2, 113--148.
2013-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Rohde, Jan Christian. Calabi-Yau manifolds and generic Hodge groups. Asian J. Math. 16 (2012), no. 4, 745--773.
2013-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Doran, Charles F.; Garavuso, Richard S. Hori-Vafa mirror periods, Picard-Fuchs equations, and Berglund-Hübsch-Krawitz duality. J. High Energy Phys. 2011, no. 10, 128.
2013-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Batyrev, Victor; Kreuzer, Maximilian "Constructing new Calabi-Yau 3-folds and their mirrors via conifold transitions" Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 14 (2010), no. 3, 879–898.
2012-01-01 MIchele Rossi
Recensione a Davies, Rhys "Quotients of the conifold in compact Calabi-Yau threefolds and new topological transitions" Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 14 (2010), no. 3, 965–989.
2012-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Reider, Igor "Configurations of points and strings" J. Geom. Phys. 61 (2011), no. 7, 1158–1180.
2012-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Yau, Shing-Tung; Nadis, Steve "String theory and the geometry of the universe's hidden dimensions" Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 58 (2011), no. 8, 1067–1076.
2012-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Krishna, Amalendu; Srinivas, V. Zero cycles on singular affine varieties. Cycles, motives and Shimura varieties, 243--264, Tata Inst. Fund. Res. Stud. Math., Tata Inst. Fund. Res., Mumbai, 2010.
2012-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Rong, Xiaochun; Zhang, Yuguang. Continuity of extremal transitions and flops for Calabi-Yau manifolds. Appendix B by Mark Gross. J. Differential Geom. 89 (2011), no. 2, 233--269.
2012-01-01 Michele Rossi
2012-01-01 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
Computational procedures for weighted projective spaces
2011-01-01 Michele Rossi; Lea Terracini
Recensione a Green, Mark; Griffiths, Phillip; Kerr, Matt "Mumford-Tate domains" Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. (9) 3 (2010)
2011-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Narasimhan, M. S. "The standard conjectures on algebraic cycles" Perspectives in mathematical sciences. II, 103–109, Stat. Sci. Interdiscip. Res., 8, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2009.
2011-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Dimca, Alexandru; Saito, Morihiko; Wotzlaw, Lorenz "A generalization of the Griffiths' theorem on rational integrals. II" Michigan Math. J. 58 (2009), no. 3, 603–625.
2011-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Yau, Shing-Tung; Nadis, Steve "The shape of inner space. String theory and the geometry of the universe's hidden dimensions" Basic Books, New York, 2010.
2011-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Brini, Andrea; Griguolo, Luca; Seminara, Domenico; Tanzini, Alessandro "Chern-Simons theory on L(p,q) lens spaces and Gopakumar-Vafa duality" J. Geom. Phys. 60 (2010)
2011-01-01 Michele Rossi
Homological type of geometric transitions
2011-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Jockers H., Soroush M. "Relative periods and open-string integer invariants for a compact Calabi-Yau hypersurface" Nuclear Phys. B 821 (2009)
2010-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a: Kato, Kazuya; Nakayama, Chikara; Usui, Sampei; Classifying spaces of degenerating mixed Hodge structures. I. Borel-Serre spaces. Algebraic analysis and around, 187--222, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 54, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2009.
2010-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Ancona, Vincenzo; Gaveau, Bernard; Residues and mixed Hodge structures on open algebraic varieties. Géométrie complexe. II. Aspects contemporains dans les mathématiques et la physique, 4--26, Hermann Éd. Sci. Arts, Paris, 2004.
2010-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Watanabe, Kenta; A counterexample to a conjecture of complete fan. J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 48 (2008), no. 4, 951--962.
2010-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a J.Carlson, M.Green, P.Griffiths "Variations of Hodge structure considered as an exterior differential system: old and new results" SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 5 (2009)
2010-01-01 Michele Rossi
Schoen C., Top J. "Drinfeld modules and torsion in the Chow groups of certain threefolds" Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 95 (2007)
2010-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a Kato K., Usui S. "Classifying spaces of degenerating polarized Hodge structures" Annals of Mathematics Studies 169, Princeton University Press, 2009
2010-01-01 Michele Rossi
Recensione a: Kato, Kazuya; Usui, Sampei Classifying spaces of degenerating polarized Hodge structures. Annals of Mathematics Studies, 169. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2009. xii+336 pp.
2009-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Gwyn, Rhiannon; Knauf, Anke Conifolds and geometric transitions. Rev. Modern Phys. 80 (2008), no. 4, 1419--1453.
2009-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a:Jost, J.; Yang, Y.-H.; Zuo, K. Cohomologies of unipotent harmonic bundles over noncompact curves. J. Reine Angew. Math. 609 (2007), 137--159.
2009-01-01 M. Rossi
Milnor and Tyurina numbers
2009-01-01 M.Rossi; L.Terracini
Recensione a:Jost J.; Yang, Y.-H.; Zuo, K. The cohomology of a variation of polarized Hodge structures over a quasi-compact Kähler manifold. J. Algebraic Geom. 16 (2007), no. 3, 401--434.
2008-01-01 M. Rossi
A Maple subroutine for computing Milnor and Tyurina numbers of hypersurface singularities
2008-01-01 Michele Rossi; Lea Terracini
Recensione a: Schoen, C.; Top, J. Drinfeld modules and torsion in the Chow groups of certain threefolds. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 95 (2007), no. 3, 545--566.
2008-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a:Ricci, R. Super Calabi-Yau's and special Lagrangians. J. High Energy Phys. 2007, no. 3, 048, 21 pp.
2008-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Diaconescu, D.-E.; Donagi, R.; Pantev, T. Geometric transitions and mixed Hodge structures. Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 11 (2007), no. 1, 65--89.
2008-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a:Barbieri-Viale, L. Formal Hodge theory. Math. Res. Lett. 14 (2007), no. 3, 385--394.
2008-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Hosono S. Central charges, symplectic forms, and hypergeometric series in local mirror symmetry. Mirror symmetry. V, 405--439, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math., 38, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2006.
2008-01-01 M. Rossi
Linear and Non Linear Effects on the Newtonian Gravitational Constant as deduced from the Torsion Balance
2007-01-01 M. Rossi; L. Zaninetti
Recensione a : Forbes, Brian Open string mirror maps from Picard-Fuchs equations. Mirror symmetry. V, 561--570, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math., 38, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2006.
2007-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Dimca, Alexandru; Saito, Morihiko A generalization of Griffiths's theorem on rational integrals. Duke Math. J. 135 (2006), no. 2, 303--326.
2007-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Diaconescu, D.-E.; Dijkgraaf, R.; Donagi, R.; Hofman, C.; Pantev, T. Geometric transitions and integrable systems. Nuclear Phys. B 752 (2006), no. 3, 329--390.
2007-01-01 M. Rossi
Recensione a:Lipatov, L. N.; Sabio Vera, A.; Velizhanin, V. N.; Volkov, G. G. Reflexive numbers and Berger graphs from Calabi-Yau spaces. Internat. J. Modern Phys. A 21 (2006), no. 13-14, 2953--3005.
2007-01-01 M. Rossi
Geometric Transitions
2006-01-01 M. Rossi
The cubic period-distance relation for the Kater reversibile pendulum
2005-01-01 M. Rossi; L. Zaninetti
Large N dualities and transitions in geometry
2003-01-01 GRASSI A; M. ROSSI
Hodge theory on cyclotomic threefolds
1998-01-01 Michele Rossi
Evoluzione delle Congetture di Hodge
1997-01-01 Michele Rossi
Hodge theory on some invariant threefolds of even degree
1997-01-01 Michele Rossi
The infinitesimal and generalized Hodge conjecture for some families of sextic threefolds
1996-01-01 Michele Rossi
On the multiples of the adjoint divisor to an ample divisor on a $d$-fold
1989-01-01 Michele Rossi
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