Sfoglia per Autore  ROSSI, Michele

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La geometria dell'apparecchio per la ricerca di travolti in valanga (ARTVa) 2022 Alberto Alzati, Michele Rossi, Cristina Turrini
Embedding the Picard group inside the class group: the case of Q -factorial complete toric varieties 2021 Rossi M.; Terracini L.
Embedding non-projective Mori dream space 2020 Rossi, Michele
Fibration and classification of smooth projective toric varieties of low Picard number 2020 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
Toric varieties and Gröbner bases: the complete Q -factorial case 2020 Rossi M.; Terracini L.
A Q-factorial complete toric variety with Picard number 2 is projective 2018 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
Erratum to: A Q-factorial complete toric variety is a quotient of a poly weighted space 2018 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
A Small and Non-simple Geometric Transition 2017 Rossi, Michele
A numerical ampleness criterion via Gale duality 2017 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
A Q -factorial complete toric variety is a quotient of a poly weighted space 2017 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
Z-linear Gale duality and poly weighted spaces (PWS) 2016 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
Recensione a: Shen, Mingmin "On relations among 1-cycles on cubic hypersurfaces" 2015 Michele Rossi
MAPLE subroutines for computing Milnor and Tyurina numbers of hypersurface singularities with application to Arnol'd adjacencies 2015 Rossi, Michele; Terracini, Lea
Deforming geometric transitions 2015 Michele Rossi
Recensione a:Kotschick D., Schreieder S. "The Hodge ring of Kähler manifolds" Compos. Math. 149 (2013), no. 4, 637--657. 2014 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Markushevich D. "Integrable systems from intermediate Jacobians of 5-folds" Mat. Contemp. 41 (2012), 49--60 2014 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Kato Kazuya, Nakayama Chikara, Usui Sampei "Classifying spaces of degenerating mixed Hodge structures, III: spaces of nilpotent orbits" J. Algebraic Geom. 22 (2013), no. 4, 671--772. 2014 M. Rossi
Recensione a Looijenga, E. Trento notes on Hodge theory. Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino 69 (2011), no. 2, 113--148. 2013 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Rohde, Jan Christian. Calabi-Yau manifolds and generic Hodge groups. Asian J. Math. 16 (2012), no. 4, 745--773. 2013 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Doran, Charles F.; Garavuso, Richard S. Hori-Vafa mirror periods, Picard-Fuchs equations, and Berglund-Hübsch-Krawitz duality. J. High Energy Phys. 2011, no. 10, 128. 2013 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Batyrev, Victor; Kreuzer, Maximilian "Constructing new Calabi-Yau 3-folds and their mirrors via conifold transitions" Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 14 (2010), no. 3, 879–898. 2012 MIchele Rossi
Recensione a Davies, Rhys "Quotients of the conifold in compact Calabi-Yau threefolds and new topological transitions" Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 14 (2010), no. 3, 965–989. 2012 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Reider, Igor "Configurations of points and strings" J. Geom. Phys. 61 (2011), no. 7, 1158–1180. 2012 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Yau, Shing-Tung; Nadis, Steve "String theory and the geometry of the universe's hidden dimensions" Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 58 (2011), no. 8, 1067–1076. 2012 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Krishna, Amalendu; Srinivas, V. Zero cycles on singular affine varieties. Cycles, motives and Shimura varieties, 243--264, Tata Inst. Fund. Res. Stud. Math., Tata Inst. Fund. Res., Mumbai, 2010. 2012 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Rong, Xiaochun; Zhang, Yuguang. Continuity of extremal transitions and flops for Calabi-Yau manifolds. Appendix B by Mark Gross. J. Differential Geom. 89 (2011), no. 2, 233--269. 2012 Michele Rossi
Computational procedures for weighted projective spaces 2011 Michele Rossi; Lea Terracini
Recensione a Green, Mark; Griffiths, Phillip; Kerr, Matt "Mumford-Tate domains" Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. (9) 3 (2010) 2011 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Narasimhan, M. S. "The standard conjectures on algebraic cycles" Perspectives in mathematical sciences. II, 103–109, Stat. Sci. Interdiscip. Res., 8, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2009. 2011 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Dimca, Alexandru; Saito, Morihiko; Wotzlaw, Lorenz "A generalization of the Griffiths' theorem on rational integrals. II" Michigan Math. J. 58 (2009), no. 3, 603–625. 2011 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Yau, Shing-Tung; Nadis, Steve "The shape of inner space. String theory and the geometry of the universe's hidden dimensions" Basic Books, New York, 2010. 2011 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Brini, Andrea; Griguolo, Luca; Seminara, Domenico; Tanzini, Alessandro "Chern-Simons theory on L(p,q) lens spaces and Gopakumar-Vafa duality" J. Geom. Phys. 60 (2010) 2011 Michele Rossi
Homological type of geometric transitions 2011 Michele Rossi
Recensione a Jockers H., Soroush M. "Relative periods and open-string integer invariants for a compact Calabi-Yau hypersurface" Nuclear Phys. B 821 (2009) 2010 Michele Rossi
Recensione a: Kato, Kazuya; Nakayama, Chikara; Usui, Sampei; Classifying spaces of degenerating mixed Hodge structures. I. Borel-Serre spaces. Algebraic analysis and around, 187--222, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 54, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2009. 2010 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Ancona, Vincenzo; Gaveau, Bernard; Residues and mixed Hodge structures on open algebraic varieties. Géométrie complexe. II. Aspects contemporains dans les mathématiques et la physique, 4--26, Hermann Éd. Sci. Arts, Paris, 2004. 2010 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Watanabe, Kenta; A counterexample to a conjecture of complete fan. J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 48 (2008), no. 4, 951--962. 2010 M. Rossi
Recensione a J.Carlson, M.Green, P.Griffiths "Variations of Hodge structure considered as an exterior differential system: old and new results" SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 5 (2009) 2010 Michele Rossi
Schoen C., Top J. "Drinfeld modules and torsion in the Chow groups of certain threefolds" Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 95 (2007) 2010 M. Rossi
Recensione a Kato K., Usui S. "Classifying spaces of degenerating polarized Hodge structures" Annals of Mathematics Studies 169, Princeton University Press, 2009 2010 Michele Rossi
Recensione a: Kato, Kazuya; Usui, Sampei Classifying spaces of degenerating polarized Hodge structures. Annals of Mathematics Studies, 169. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2009. xii+336 pp. 2009 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Gwyn, Rhiannon; Knauf, Anke Conifolds and geometric transitions. Rev. Modern Phys. 80 (2008), no. 4, 1419--1453. 2009 M. Rossi
Recensione a:Jost, J.; Yang, Y.-H.; Zuo, K. Cohomologies of unipotent harmonic bundles over noncompact curves. J. Reine Angew. Math. 609 (2007), 137--159. 2009 M. Rossi
Milnor and Tyurina numbers 2009 M.Rossi; L.Terracini
Recensione a:Jost J.; Yang, Y.-H.; Zuo, K. The cohomology of a variation of polarized Hodge structures over a quasi-compact Kähler manifold. J. Algebraic Geom. 16 (2007), no. 3, 401--434. 2008 M. Rossi
A Maple subroutine for computing Milnor and Tyurina numbers of hypersurface singularities 2008 Michele Rossi; Lea Terracini
Recensione a: Schoen, C.; Top, J. Drinfeld modules and torsion in the Chow groups of certain threefolds. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 95 (2007), no. 3, 545--566. 2008 M. Rossi
Recensione a:Ricci, R. Super Calabi-Yau's and special Lagrangians. J. High Energy Phys. 2007, no. 3, 048, 21 pp. 2008 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Diaconescu, D.-E.; Donagi, R.; Pantev, T. Geometric transitions and mixed Hodge structures. Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 11 (2007), no. 1, 65--89. 2008 M. Rossi
Recensione a:Barbieri-Viale, L. Formal Hodge theory. Math. Res. Lett. 14 (2007), no. 3, 385--394. 2008 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Hosono S. Central charges, symplectic forms, and hypergeometric series in local mirror symmetry. Mirror symmetry. V, 405--439, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math., 38, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2006. 2008 M. Rossi
Linear and Non Linear Effects on the Newtonian Gravitational Constant as deduced from the Torsion Balance 2007 M. Rossi; L. Zaninetti
Recensione a : Forbes, Brian Open string mirror maps from Picard-Fuchs equations. Mirror symmetry. V, 561--570, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math., 38, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2006. 2007 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Dimca, Alexandru; Saito, Morihiko A generalization of Griffiths's theorem on rational integrals. Duke Math. J. 135 (2006), no. 2, 303--326. 2007 M. Rossi
Recensione a: Diaconescu, D.-E.; Dijkgraaf, R.; Donagi, R.; Hofman, C.; Pantev, T. Geometric transitions and integrable systems. Nuclear Phys. B 752 (2006), no. 3, 329--390. 2007 M. Rossi
Recensione a:Lipatov, L. N.; Sabio Vera, A.; Velizhanin, V. N.; Volkov, G. G. Reflexive numbers and Berger graphs from Calabi-Yau spaces. Internat. J. Modern Phys. A 21 (2006), no. 13-14, 2953--3005. 2007 M. Rossi
Geometric Transitions 2006 M. Rossi
The cubic period-distance relation for the Kater reversibile pendulum 2005 M. Rossi; L. Zaninetti
Large N dualities and transitions in geometry 2003 GRASSI A; M. ROSSI
Hodge theory on cyclotomic threefolds 1998 Michele Rossi
Evoluzione delle Congetture di Hodge 1997 Michele Rossi
Hodge theory on some invariant threefolds of even degree 1997 Michele Rossi
The infinitesimal and generalized Hodge conjecture for some families of sextic threefolds 1996 Michele Rossi
On the multiples of the adjoint divisor to an ample divisor on a $d$-fold 1989 Michele Rossi
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