Sfoglia per Autore TADDEO, Gabriella
Social. L'Industria delle Relazioni
2024-01-01 Gabriella Taddeo
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of social media content, according to young people
2023-01-01 Gabriella Taddeo
Tra spazi fisici e digitali. Come i giovani raccontano la pandemia attraverso il visual storytelling
2023-01-01 Simona Tirocchi; Martina Crescenti; Andrea Cerase; Gabriella Taddeo
Life Long/Insta-Learning: the Use of Influencers as Informal Educators
2023-01-01 Taddeo Gabriella
Persuasione Digitale. Come Persone, Interfacce, Algoritmi ci influenzano online
2023-01-01 Taddeo G.
The art of inclusion: methods to approach interculturality in the Italian National Plan of Arts
2022-01-01 Rosa A., Taddeo G.
Innovation Paths in Italian Schools: From Cl@ssi 2.0 to 4.0 Technologies.
2022-01-01 Tirocchi, S., Taddeo G., Albano E.
El rol educativo de los instagrammers: Algunas reflexiones a partir de una investigación empírica. The educational role of instagrammers: Reflections based on an empirical study
2022-01-01 Gabriella Taddeo; Jessica Diaferia
Creadores y espectadores frente al desorden informativo online. Efectos de la producción de contenidos digitales en competencias informativas. Versione in inglese: Creators and spectators facing online information disorder. Effects of digital content production on information skills
2022-01-01 Gabriella Taddeo, Belinda de-Frutos-Torres, María-Cruz Alvarado
Tematiche e prospettive educative e didattiche del digitale nella formazione degli insegnanti
2021-01-01 A. Rosa; Taddeo G.
Art and Citizenship: Intercultural and Civic Soft Skills in the School Projects of the Triennial Plan of Arts.
2021-01-01 A. Rosa, G. Taddeo
Gli istituti tecnici superiori. Una sfida culturale per l'istruzione terziaria professionalizzante
2021-01-01 Zuccaro A., Taddeo G., Buffardi A., Aiello L.
Transmedia teens: the creative transmedia skills of Italian students
2021-01-01 Gabriella Taddeo; Simona Tirocchi
What Do Italian Students and Teachers Ask About Digital? Data and Reflections From Schools Participating in National Operational Programs
2021-01-01 Buffardi A; Calzone S; Mazza C; Taddeo G
Art and Creativity for Disadvantaged Students: Data and Reflections from the Italian National Plan of Arts
2021-01-01 G. Taddeo
Tecnologías 4.0 como interfaces de aprendizaje
2020-01-01 Taddeo G
Nuove strategie per esplorare il campo emergente delle competenze digitali informali e per il mondo del lavoro 4.0
2020-01-01 TADDEO G
Toward a transmedia learning: practices, approaches and tools
2020-01-01 Masanet M J; Taddeo G; Tirocchi S
Opportunità e sfide dell’istruzione terziaria professionalizzante in Italia
2020-01-01 Aiello L; Buffardi A; Taddeo G; Zuccaro A
Meanings of Digital Participation into the Narrative Online Communities
2019-01-01 Taddeo G
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