Analytical protocol of a veterinary toxicology laboratory for multiresidue determination of poisons in animal tissues and baits
2013-01-01 P. Capra; M. Leporati; M. M. Budau; F. Fioravanti; M. Gili; M. Vincenti; M. C. Abete
Determination of endogenous and exogenous corticosteroids in bovine urine and effect of fighting stress during the "Batailles des Reins" on their biosynthesis
2017-01-01 Leporati, M.; Nobile, M.; Capra, P.; Alladio, E.; Vincenti, M.
Determination of prednisolone metabolites in beef cattle
2013-01-01 M. Leporati; P. Capra; F.T. Cannizzo; B. Biolatti; C. Nebbia; M. Vincenti
Development, validation and application to real samples of amultiresidue LC-MS/MS method for determination of β2-agonists and anabolic steroids in bovine hair
2014-01-01 Leporati M.; Bergoglio M.; Capra P.; Bozzetta E.; Abete M.C.; Vincenti M.
Effect of the truck transportation and slaughtering the presence of cortisol, cortisone, prednisolone, and prednisone in urine, liver and adrenals from untreated cows
2012-01-01 C. Nebbia; M. Leporati; P. Capra; S. Gatto; A. Attucci; G. Barbarino; F. Girolami; M. Vincenti
Effect-based detection of synthetic glucocorticoids in bovine urine
2015-01-01 Pitardi D; Cini B; Paleologo M; Brouwer A; Behnisch P; van der Linden S; Vincenti M; Capra P; Gili M; Pezzolato M; Meloni D; Bozzetta E.
Effects of low-dose dexamethasone and prednisolone long term administration in beef calf: chemical and morphological investigation
2011-01-01 F.T. Cannizzo; P. Capra; S. Divari; V. Ciccotelli; B. Biolatti; M. Vincenti
Effects of truck transportation and slaughtering on the occurrence of prednisolone and its metabolites in cow urine, liver, and adrenal glands
2019-01-01 Capra P.; Leporati M.; Nebbia C.; Gatto S.; Attucci A.; Barbarino G.; Vincenti M.
Intramural coronary arteriosclerosis in beef cattle reared under different housing conditions.
2017-01-01 I. Biasato , E. Biasibetti , Dellarole S. , Miniscalco B. , Mioletti S. , Tarantola M. , Biagini D. , Capra P. , Leporati M. , Vincenti M. , F. Guarda, M. T. Capucchio
Investigations about the natural occurrence of prednisolone and prednisone in urine samples from cows reared in different housing systems
2012-01-01 C. Nebbia; M. Leporati; M. Carletti; P. Capra; A. Attucci; G. Barbarino; M. Vincenti
Kinetics of the Urinary Excretion of Prednisolone Administered at Therapeutic Dosages in Finishing Bulls and Cows
2012-01-01 C. Nebbia; F. Girolami; M. Leporati; M. Carletti; P. Capra; S. Gatto; G. Barbarino; M. Vincenti
L'unità di sicurezza alimentare di Orbassano: i compiti e gli obiettivi della struttura presso il Centro Antidoping "A. Bertinaria"
Profile of the urinary excretion of prednisolone and its metabolites in finishing bulls and cows treated with a therapeutic schedule
2014-01-01 C. Nebbia; P. Capra; M. Leporati; F. Girolami; G. Barbarino; S. Gatto; M. Vincenti
Psychosocial empowerment-based interventions for smoking reduction: concepts, measures and outcomes. A systematic review
2020-01-01 Coppo A.; Gattino S.; Faggiano F.; Gilardi L.; Capra P.; Tortone C.; Fedi A.; De Piccoli N.
Study of Dexamethasone Urinary Excretion Profile in Cattle by LC-MS/MS: Comparison between Therapeutic and Growth-Promoting Administration
2009-01-01 M. Vincenti; F. Girolami; P. Capra; M. Pazzi; M. Carletti; G. Gardini; C. Nebbia
Welfare assessment in beef cattle: a multidisciplinary approach.
2017-01-01 Martina Tarantola, Ilaria Biasato, Elena Biasibetti, Davide Biagini, Pierluigi Capra, Franco Guarda, Marta Leporati, Barbara Miniscalco, Silvia Mioletti, Andrea Salaroglio, Marco Vincenti, Maria Teresa Capucchio