Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 18.486
NA - Nord America 10.777
AS - Asia 4.604
OC - Oceania 342
SA - Sud America 255
AF - Africa 199
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
Totale 34.678
Nazione #
IT - Italia 10.994
US - Stati Uniti d'America 10.362
GB - Regno Unito 1.464
FR - Francia 984
CN - Cina 945
DE - Germania 944
SG - Singapore 828
IE - Irlanda 824
SE - Svezia 647
PH - Filippine 412
KR - Corea 371
MY - Malesia 367
UA - Ucraina 367
CA - Canada 363
FI - Finlandia 355
ES - Italia 319
PL - Polonia 299
AU - Australia 297
NL - Olanda 247
ID - Indonesia 226
VN - Vietnam 217
IN - India 210
HK - Hong Kong 193
TR - Turchia 191
GR - Grecia 146
CH - Svizzera 129
BE - Belgio 120
NO - Norvegia 119
PK - Pakistan 104
RO - Romania 104
IR - Iran 98
IL - Israele 91
BR - Brasile 90
JP - Giappone 70
TW - Taiwan 55
PE - Perù 53
AT - Austria 51
PT - Portogallo 51
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 49
ZA - Sudafrica 45
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 44
CL - Cile 37
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 37
CO - Colombia 36
TH - Thailandia 36
HU - Ungheria 35
MX - Messico 33
EG - Egitto 31
NG - Nigeria 31
HR - Croazia 26
LT - Lituania 25
LB - Libano 24
SA - Arabia Saudita 23
EC - Ecuador 21
RU - Federazione Russa 21
DK - Danimarca 20
SI - Slovenia 20
JO - Giordania 18
RS - Serbia 17
BD - Bangladesh 16
KE - Kenya 16
LK - Sri Lanka 16
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 15
AR - Argentina 14
CY - Cipro 12
NP - Nepal 12
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 11
IS - Islanda 11
MA - Marocco 11
TN - Tunisia 11
BG - Bulgaria 10
CI - Costa d'Avorio 10
AL - Albania 9
XK - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.XK??? 9
AZ - Azerbaigian 7
ET - Etiopia 7
GH - Ghana 7
UG - Uganda 7
BH - Bahrain 6
EE - Estonia 6
IQ - Iraq 6
MT - Malta 6
OM - Oman 6
SM - San Marino 6
EU - Europa 5
PR - Porto Rico 5
LU - Lussemburgo 4
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 4
TZ - Tanzania 4
AM - Armenia 3
BT - Bhutan 3
DZ - Algeria 3
GE - Georgia 3
HN - Honduras 3
MN - Mongolia 3
QA - Qatar 3
BN - Brunei Darussalam 2
BW - Botswana 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
IM - Isola di Man 2
Totale 34.634
Città #
Chandler 943
Santa Clara 925
Dublin 776
Turin 703
Milan 693
Rome 660
Singapore 584
Torino 575
Beijing 469
Houston 442
Fairfield 410
Ashburn 357
Ann Arbor 349
Jacksonville 301
Redwood City 264
Wilmington 257
Villeurbanne 256
Medford 252
Columbus 240
Nyköping 235
Boardman 234
Princeton 229
Woodbridge 221
Warsaw 197
Kuala Lumpur 168
Naples 149
Seattle 149
Cambridge 139
Palermo 126
Petaling Jaya 123
Pisa 116
Jakarta 115
Dearborn 113
Florence 113
Dong Ket 110
London 102
Bari 100
Boston 93
Bologna 88
Catania 83
Cagliari 82
Padova 77
Toronto 71
Dallas 67
Verona 67
Brescia 66
Melbourne 66
Sydney 64
Istanbul 61
Genoa 59
Menlo Park 58
San Diego 56
Manchester 51
Athens 49
Helsinki 49
Guangzhou 48
Shanghai 48
Hong Kong 47
Brussels 46
Napoli 46
Brisbane 45
Chicago 45
Bergamo 44
Birmingham 44
Montreal 43
Seoul 43
Norwalk 42
Valencia 41
Amsterdam 40
Los Angeles 39
Council Bluffs 37
Ankara 35
Glasgow 35
Central 33
Genova 33
Mumbai 33
Hangzhou 31
Messina 31
Oslo 31
Piemonte 31
Piscataway 31
New York 30
Trento 30
Como 29
Falls Church 29
Frankfurt am Main 29
Madrid 29
Perugia 29
Taranto 29
Wuppertal 29
Biella 28
Leeds 28
Leicester 28
Ottawa 28
Chengdu 27
Mountain View 27
Paris 27
Quezon City 27
Sheffield 27
Taipei 27
Totale 14.961
Nome #
Manuale di disegno infantile. Vecchie e nuove prospettive in ambito educativo e psicologico. 2.113
Examining the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale in the Italian Context: A factorial Validity Study 1.879
The Pupil-Teacher Relationship and Gender Differences in Primary School 1.493
Contributo alla validazione italiana del Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) 1.176
Modelli evolutivi in psicologia dinamica, vol. II. Dal modello relazione ai nuovi orientamenti. 1.157
Tecniche di osservazione del comportamento infantile. Manuale per le scienze della formazione e dell'educazione 1.092
Can parenting styles affect the children’s development of narcissism? A systematic review 800
Abuses, resilience, behavioural problems and post-traumatic stress symptoms among unaccompanied migrant minors: An Italian cross-sectional exploratory study 788
Il colloquio didattico. Comunicazione e relazione efficacecon le famiglie degli alunni 683
Modelli evolutivi in Psicologia dinamica. Da modello pulsionale alle relazioni oggettuali. Vol. I 652
Misurare e valutare la qualità della relazione nel contesto educativo e scolastico 618
Contribution to Validation of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS, Italian Version) in the Italian Educational Setting 601
La valutazione della relazione alunno-insegnante nei primi anni di scolarizzazione: il punto di vista del bambino attraverso il metodo grafico 441
Validazione italiana dello STRS (student-Teacher Relationship Scale) 412
Psicologia dello sviluppo. Teorie, modelli e concezioni. 403
Highly-visual social media and internalizing symptoms in adolescence: The mediating role of body image concerns 372
Vulnerability to violence and abuse among people with disabilities 349
Muscle dysmorphia and psychopathology: Findings from an Italian sample of male bodybuilders 347
Preference for videogames and its correlations with moral disengagement, personality traits and academic achievement in Italian pre-adolescents 324
The moderating role of gender in siblings of adults with intellectual disabilities 311
Contributo alla validazione italiana dello Young Children's Appraisals of Teacher Support (Y-CATS) 296
Parent–teacher meetings as a unit of analysis for parent–teacher interactions 251
Resilience, anxiety, and depression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients 235
Prevalence of Parental Violence Toward Teachers: A Meta-Analysis 234
Young Adult Retrospective Reports of Adverse Childhood Experiences: Prevalence of Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Abuse in Italy 230
Attachment Style and Risk of Muscle Dysmorphia in a Sample of Male Bodybuilders 210
Violence in school: An investigation of physical, psychological, and sexual victimization reported by Italian adolescents 202
Improvement of communicative-pragmatic ability in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The adapted version of the Cognitive Pragmatic Treatment 199
Attributional style of children with and without specific learning disability 197
The effect of autism spectrum disorders, down syndrome, specific learning disorders and hyperactivity and attention deficits on the student-teacher relationship 193
Association between teacher-child relationship and symptoms/strenghts in children with behavior disorders 192
Il colloquio didattico 185
Emotional development in late childhood: interaction between socio-relational and self-regulation factors in pupils of primary school 183
Ansie e stress nel contesto universitario: matricole e studenti fuori corso a confronto 172
Prevalence of Student Violence Against Teachers: A Meta-Analysis 170
Development and psychometric analysis of the student-teacher relationship scale - Short form 169
Il disegno infantile: una rilettura psicologica 166
Il bambino nel disegno. Una classe allo specchio. 164
The transition from crawling to walking: Can infants elicit an alteration of their parents' perception? 148
Gender, stereotypes and grade level in the draw-a-scientist test in Italian schoolchildren 147
Lineamenti di Psicologia scolastica. Percorsi educativi dalla prescuola alla scuola dell'obbligo. 146
Donne e madri. Psicodinamica della gravidanza e ciclo di vita al femminile. 145
Reconsidering the scribbling stage of drawing: A new perspective on toddlers' representational processes 145
Student-teacher relationships as a protective factor for school adjustment during the transition from middle to high school 144
Emotionally Abusive Behavior in Italian Middle School Teachers as Identified by Students 137
Rediscovering Teaching in University: A Scoping Review of Teacher Effectiveness in Higher Education 135
Student–teacher relationship quality and prosocial behaviour: The mediating role of academic achievement and a positive attitude towards school 133
Misconceptions of the p-value among Chilean and Italian academic psychologists 131
Follow or be followed: Exploring the links between Instagram popularity, social media addiction, cyber victimization, and subjective happiness in Italian adolescents 130
The reflexive training setting and trajectory equifinality model: investigating psychic function in a social-cultural light 127
Validazione italiana della short form dello STRS (Student-Teacher Relationship Scale) applicando i modelli di Rasch 123
Teacher gender differences in teacher-child interaction 123
Rappresentazioni paterne in gravidanza 121
Active Social Network Sites Use and Loneliness: the Mediating Role of Social Support and Self-Esteem 120
Cyberbullying and cybervictimization among preadolescents: Does time perspective matter? 119
Crudeltà, intelligenza e creatività in età evolutiva. 118
Student-teacher relationships and bullying: The role of student social status 118
Profiles of bystanders' motivation to defend school bully victims from a self-determination perspective 117
Teacher sentiments about physical appearance and risk of bullying victimization: the mediating role of quality of student–teacher relationships and psychological adjustment 116
La violenza nei cartoni animati. Percorsi e interventi di educazione all'immagine televisiva. 116
Measuring the influence of stress and burnout in teacher-child relationship 110
Measuring the quality of teacher-child interaction in autistic disorder 110
La relazione insegnante-allievo 109
Una tecnica per il bambino autistico 107
Adolescents on the net: a study on the ethical representations 107
Valutare la relazione insegnante-allievo 106
A new theory on children's drawings: Analyzing the role of emotion and movement in graphical development 105
Social Media Addiction and Aggressive Behaviors in Early Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Nighttime Social Media Use and Sleep Quality 104
Measuring the influence of stress and burnout in teacher-child relationship 103
Students' psychological adjustment in normative school transitions from kindergarten to high school: Investigating the role of teacher-student relationship quality 102
Students' transition into higher education: The role of self-efficacy, regulation strategies, and academic achievements 102
Intimate Partner Violence in Same-Sex Relationships and The Role of Sexual Minority Stressors: A Systematic Review of the Past 10 Years 101
Resilienza e punti di forza e di debolezza del comportamento del bambino nel contesto scolastico 100
Acoso sexual entre iguales en la escuela. 98
Investigating the links between fear of missing out, social media addiction, and emotional symptoms in adolescence: The role of stress associated with neglect and negative reactions on social media 98
Contributo all'adattamento italiano dello Student-Teacher Relationship Scale 96
The association between muscle dysmorphia and eating disorder symptomatology: A systematic review and meta-analysis 95
Childless. Gli amanti delle culle vuote 94
Valutare la relazione insegnante allievo. Metodi e strumenti per la ricerca 94
La tipizzazione sessuale nel disegno 93
Perceived statistical knowledge level and self-reported statistical practice among academic psychologists 93
Smartphone and social media use contributed to individual tendencies towards social media addiction in Italian adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic 93
The graphical representation of the self-image in early development: twins and singletons in comparison 91
Paure infantili e teoria dell'attaccamento: contributo alla standardizzazione del Test dei Percorsi 89
Health and physical activity: the effect of outdoor play on children's motor development 89
Exploring the dimensional structure of bullying victimization among primary and lower-secondary school students: Is one factor enough, or do we need more? 89
Cyberbullying victimization and adolescent depression: The mediating role of psychological security and the moderating role of growth mindset 89
Un padre inesistente 88
Adattamento italiano delle scale di partecipazione e protezione paterna. 87
Adolescenti “on-line”: considerazioni sull’importanza dell’uso di Internet tra benessere psico-sociale e rischio psicopatologico 87
Il paziente mieloleso nel processo riabilitativo: aspetti di psicologia clinica e dinamiche relazionali 87
Comportamenti problematici degli alunni e relazione con l'insegnante nella scuola primaria 87
Measuring the student-teacher relationship using children's drawings in an Italian elementary school 87
Adolescenti e nuove tecnologie: percezione di utilizzo del computer e di internet in situazioni relazionali differenti 86
Association between teacher-child relationship and symptoms/strenghts in children with behavior disorders 86
Analisi dell'immagine della consulenza psicologica presso gli insegnanti della scuola italiana. 85
Dimensioni della competenza socio-emotiva e dinamiche relazionali in classe. 85
Totale 27.269
Categoria #
all - tutte 82.287
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 12.725
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 95.012

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.446 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 264 347 318 318 199
2020/20214.150 258 161 394 279 373 311 389 257 449 372 355 552
2021/20224.385 226 197 357 420 341 239 370 317 300 392 542 684
2022/20236.259 472 340 305 564 541 1.109 536 561 557 351 619 304
2023/20245.883 347 420 426 517 573 758 560 489 146 598 522 527
2024/20255.435 330 521 521 863 1.640 720 560 280 0 0 0 0
Totale 35.497