Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.354
NA - Nord America 5.658
AS - Asia 2.109
SA - Sud America 118
AF - Africa 21
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 19
OC - Oceania 17
Totale 14.296
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.596
IT - Italia 2.152
IE - Irlanda 888
CN - Cina 837
FR - Francia 624
SG - Singapore 566
SE - Svezia 548
DE - Germania 406
UA - Ucraina 399
FI - Finlandia 371
GR - Grecia 333
KR - Corea 268
GB - Regno Unito 161
PL - Polonia 158
VN - Vietnam 129
BR - Brasile 92
IN - India 83
ES - Italia 80
TR - Turchia 59
CA - Canada 51
BE - Belgio 49
NL - Olanda 49
ID - Indonesia 42
RU - Federazione Russa 34
HK - Hong Kong 32
PT - Portogallo 28
EU - Europa 19
AU - Australia 14
IR - Iran 14
JP - Giappone 14
RO - Romania 14
AR - Argentina 13
MY - Malesia 13
MX - Messico 10
PH - Filippine 10
PK - Pakistan 10
CO - Colombia 8
SA - Arabia Saudita 8
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
CH - Svizzera 7
HR - Croazia 7
LT - Lituania 7
AL - Albania 5
CI - Costa d'Avorio 5
IL - Israele 5
LV - Lettonia 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
AT - Austria 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
DK - Danimarca 3
EG - Egitto 3
IQ - Iraq 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
EE - Estonia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
MU - Mauritius 2
NG - Nigeria 2
OM - Oman 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TW - Taiwan 2
UY - Uruguay 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
CL - Cile 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EC - Ecuador 1
IS - Islanda 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
RS - Serbia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SM - San Marino 1
TN - Tunisia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 14.296
Città #
Dublin 888
Santa Clara 624
Beijing 546
Chandler 545
Singapore 421
Jacksonville 298
Athens 288
Torino 288
Villeurbanne 285
Medford 260
Houston 239
Columbus 236
Ann Arbor 233
Princeton 232
Nyköping 205
Turin 186
Ashburn 167
Wilmington 167
Milan 158
Fairfield 154
Warsaw 142
Dearborn 97
Dong Ket 73
Boston 72
Boardman 67
Woodbridge 54
San Mateo 49
Rome 48
Pisa 46
Seattle 44
Bologna 43
Verona 43
Cambridge 42
Redwood City 42
Guangzhou 38
Jakarta 36
New York 36
Catania 34
Barcelona 30
São Paulo 30
Munich 29
Norwalk 29
Florence 27
Grafing 27
Dallas 26
Modena 26
Nanjing 25
Helsinki 22
Toronto 22
Brussels 20
San Pietro In Casale 20
Jinan 19
Collegno 18
Falls Church 17
Hangzhou 17
San Diego 17
Santena 17
Lachine 16
Kunming 15
Padova 15
Bari 14
Hong Kong 14
Los Angeles 14
Shanghai 14
Wuhan 13
Bursa 12
Changsha 12
Fremont 12
Pune 12
Reggio Calabria 12
Seoul 11
Cirié 10
London 10
Naples 10
San Costanzo 10
Trento 10
West Jordan 10
Düsseldorf 9
Inzago 9
Istanbul 9
Valencia 9
Amsterdam 8
Centro 8
Chengdu 8
Chicago 8
Hebei 8
Hefei 8
Laives 8
Ottawa 8
Palermo 8
Paris 8
Thessaloníki 8
Zhengzhou 8
Bordeaux 7
Buffalo 7
Cento 7
Des Moines 7
Pessac 7
Shenzhen 7
Sucy-en-brie 7
Totale 8.291
Nome #
Influence of canopy parameters on spray drift in vineyard 300
OPTIMA Project: development of a smart sprayer for vineyards 231
Dust drift reduction effect of an air conveyor kit (dual-pipe deflector) mounted on different maize pneumatic drills 180
Valutazione della dimensione delle gocce erogate da ugelli a fessura analizzando l’intera ampiezza del getto 172
L'innovazione tecnologica nelle macchine per la distribuzione dei prodotti fitosanitari: primi risultati del progetto H2020 INNOSETA 158
Assessment of evaporation rate of RemDry® effluent management systems installed at different latitudes 152
Effect of sprayer settings on spray drift during pesticide application in poplar plantations (Populus spp.) 144
Valutazione di diverse tipologie di ugelli antideriva 129
Use and performance of electronic devices in machinery for rice cultivation in Italy 125
Performance evaluation of a cyclone to clean the air exiting from pneumatic seed drills during maize sowing 125
Le Buone Pratiche per contenere la deriva generata dalle macchine irroratrici 123
Potential external contamination of pneumatic seed drills during sowing of dressed maize seeds 123
Sviluppo ed implementazione di tecniche innovative per la distribuzione degli agrofarmaci: i primi risultati dei progetti di ricerca H2020 "OPTIMA" e LIFE "PERFECT" 121
Improvements on vertical patternator 120
A System for Adjusting the Spray Application to the Target Characteristics 116
Field assessment of a pulse width modulation (PWM) spray system applying different spray volumes: duty cycle and forward speed effects on vines spray coverage 115
OPTIMA EU project: main goal and first results of inventory of current spray practices in vineyards and orchards 112
A new hollow cone nozzle featured by a limited spray angle: possible application 109
Study of optimal air velocities for pesticides application in vineyard 108
Valutazione dell'effetto di coadiuvanti antideriva sulla dimensione delle gocce erogate e sulla deriva potenziale generata da barre irroratrici 108
Prevenire i rischi di contaminazione di operatori e astanti 106
Quality of spray distribution in vineyard using a new low-drift pneumatic nozzle 106
Valutazione dell'efficienza di diversi dispositivi e detergenti per il lavaggio esterno delle macchine irroratrici 106
Inquinamento da Fitofarmaci, fondamentale la previsione 104
An innovative sprayer design: Methodology for optimal plant protection of bed-grown carrots 104
Progetto INNOSETA - Macchine per la difesa: accelerare la diffusione della migliore innovazione sostenibile 102
How air and liquid parameters affect droplet size: experiences with different pneumatic nozzles. 99
Airblast sprayer electrification for real-time, continuous fan-airflow adjustment according to canopy density during pesticide application in 3D crops. How electrification can contribute to increased spray application efficiency 93
A system to assess the mass balance of spray applied to tree crop 93
Assessment of the influence of the sprayer operating parameters on the geometry of the spray generated by the nozzle. 92
A proposal for an EU (SPISE) database of the licensed sprayers inspectors and inspection centres. 92
Ground Deposition and Airborne Spray Drift Assessment in Vineyard and Orchard: The Influence of Environmental Variables and Sprayer Settings 92
A test bench for the classification of boom sprayers according to drift risk 91
A crop identification system (CIS) to optimise pesticide applications in orchards 91
Normative and operative issue on the use of ULV 91
Assessment of the efficiency of system and procedure for the internal cleaning of sprayers 90
Assessment of vineyard parameters enabling prediction of the volume effectively applied when using a recycling tunnel sprayer 90
Spray Drift Evaluation Tool 90
Confronto fra differenti tecniche di diserbo del sottofila del vigneto 89
Surveys on problems and criticism of the inspection service of sprayers in use in Italy 88
Assessment of parameters needed to design agitation systems for sprayers tanks 87
Assessment of the incidence of adjuvants on the spray deposits in different vine cultivars. 86
Buone pratiche per ridurre l'inquinamento da agrofarmaci 85
Assessing the influence of air speed and liquid flow rate on the droplet size and homogeneity in pneumatic spraying. 85
External Cleaning of vineyard sprayers: amount and PPP concentration of washings. 84
Are vertical spray pattern an efficient instrument that can improve the adjustment of air-assisted sprayers in vineyard? 83
Inspection of sprayers in Italy with special regard to Piemonte Region 82
Study of Air Velocity Adjustment to Maximise Spray Deposition in Peach Orchard 82
Innovative technologies for orchard/vineyard sprayers 81
Contaminazione delle seminatrici durante la semina del mais 80
Perfformances evaluation of different vertical patternators. 80
Developing strategies to reduce spray drift in pneumatic spraying in vineyards: Assessment of the parameters affecting droplet size in pneumatic spraying 80
E' possibile ottenere il numero di impatti (gocce) per unità di superficie desiderato? 78
Assessment of droplet size and flow rate of nozzle used on knapsack sprayer 78
Comparison between different techniques for weed control in vineyard 77
The effect of fan setting, air-conveyor orientation and nozzle configuration on airblast sprayer efficiency: Insights relevant to trellised vineyards 77
Adjustment of air assisted sprayer in a peach orchard to optimise application against oriental fruit moth (Cydia molesta) 76
A test bench for the classification of boom sprayers according to drift. 75
Advice for functional inspection of the duster 75
Indoor assessment of dust drift effect using different types of pneumatic seed drills. 74
Le prospettive per la distribuzione dei prodotti fitosanitari nel nuovo quadro normativo europeo 73
Valutazione dell’efficienza dei sistemi di lavaggio interno delle macchine irroratrici 73
Le buone pratiche agricole per una migliore protezione delle acque dalla contaminazione da agrofarmaci 72
La prevenzione dell'inquinamento diffuso da agrofarmaci: il progetto Topps-Prowadis 72
Asssessment of the most suitable setup of mistblower in vineyards 71
Reduction of the pesticide losses and the improvement of spray deposit through the study of the sprayer optimal air velocities in vineyard 71
An autonomous self-propelled sprayer for safer pesticide application in glasshouse 71
Evaluation of sprayer internal tank cleaning systems according to ISO Standard 22368-3 71
Advances in developing a new test method to assess spray drift potential from air blast sprayers 71
Effect of UASS spray application rates on vines canopy deposit 70
Spray Applications in Italian Apple Orchards: Target Coverage, Ground Losses and Drift 70
Lo sviluppo di un prototipo di irroratrice in grado di regolare automaticamente la distribuzione in frutteto nell'ambito del Progetto Europeo ISAFRUIT 70
ENAMA “Certification” of the inspection workshop activity: the necessary requirements. 70
Valutazione di differenti tecniche per il diserbo del sottofila del vigneto 70
Evaluation of potential spray drift generated by different types of airblast sprayers using an “ad hoc” test bench device 70
La deriva del prodotto fitoiatrico 69
Tecnologie innovative per il controllo della flora infestante nel vigneto. 69
Advanced drift reduction in orchard spraying 69
The necessity of a harmonized procedure for sprayers inspectors training: the italian activity 69
Advanced spraying techniques in fruit-growing - the ISFRUIT project towars safer and better quality of fruit 69
Environmentally Optimised Sprayer (EOS)—A software application for comprehensive assessment of environmental safety features of sprayers 69
The evaluation of sprayer inspection procedure in Italy 68
Ottimizzare la distribuzione 68
TOPPS demo video for air-assisted sprayers 67
Controllo delle infestanti: tecniche a confronto 67
Trattamenti fitosanitari, il bilancio INNOSETA 67
Development of a smart sprayer for vineyards: first experimental results using PWM spray system 66
Determinazione delle aree di rispetto per evitare il rischio di inquinamento dell'acque superficiali da agrofarmaci per ruscellamento e deriva 66
The new EU Directive requirements and the innovation in pesticide application techniques 66
Valutazione dell'entità della deriva e di soluzioni per la sua mitigazione in una realtà viticola e frutticola dell'Emilia Romagna 66
Development and validation of tools for smart spraying the Piedmont region (Italy) vineyards 65
Come ridurre il rischio deriva 65
Development of Drift-Reducing Spouts For Vineyard Pneumatic Sprayers: Measurement of Droplet Size Spectra Generated and Their Classification 65
Spray performance assessment of a remote-controlled vehicle prototype for pesticide application in greenhouse tomato crops 64
Proposal of a Guide for Sprayers Calibration 63
Topps: a European project aimed at reducing PPP point sources. 63
A new international Standard for assessing performance of pumps mounted on the sprayers 63
Spary drift measurement in italian vineyards and orchards 62
Toward a new method to classify the airblast sprayers according to their potential drift reduction: comparison of direct and new indirect measurement methods 62
External contamination of sprayers in vineyard 61
Totale 9.098
Categoria #
all - tutte 49.817
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 32.256
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 82.073

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020505 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 138 113 85 108
2020/20211.676 263 81 147 154 141 75 130 41 182 144 139 179
2021/20222.183 55 62 45 78 218 116 260 309 77 136 316 511
2022/20232.862 317 90 64 202 252 760 451 158 237 123 126 82
2023/20241.460 182 167 56 174 108 112 89 65 15 90 152 250
2024/20252.122 68 241 138 384 965 122 106 98 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.011