Are green cities sustainable? A degrowth critique of sustainable urban development in Copenhagen
2020-01-01 Karl Kraehmer
Book Review: Post-growth planning. cities beyond the market economy
2022-01-01 Karl Kraehmer
Città oltre la crescita. Un dibattito internazionale per trasformazioni urbane ecologiche e sociali
2022-01-01 Kraehmer, Karl; Cristiano, Silvio
Degrowth and the city: Multiscalar strategies for the socio-ecological transformation of space and place
2022-01-01 Kraehmer, Karl
Degrowth in global spaces: Extractivism and practices of socio-ecological transformation in the geography of Chile’s global fruit trade
2025-01-01 Kraehmer, Karl
Gentrification without gentrifiers? Tourism and Real Estate Investment in Lisbon
2018-01-01 Santangelo Marco; Kraehmer Karl
Geography matters: Ideas for a degrowth spatial planning paradigm — On Xue and Vansintjan II
How to research something that doesn’t exist? : Reflections on the methodologies adopted in the literature on the spatialities of degrowth
2023-01-01 Kraehmer, Karl
Il mito della crescita verde. Perché non è possibile disaccoppiare la crescita economica dalla crescita dell'impatto ambientale: prove e argomentazioni
2020-01-01 Marco Sacco; Ludovica Kirschner; Michel Cardito; Karl Kraehmer
Per una food policy policentrica nel Torinese
2023-01-01 Kraehmer, Karl; Battisti, Luca; Berti, Giaime; Bruno, Riccardo Giovanni; Dansero, Egidio
Politiche locali del cibo oltre la crescita?
2023-01-01 Kraehmer, Karl
Políticas de crecimiento y políticas de sostenibilidad: contradicciones en la fruticultura chilena
2024-01-01 Kraehmer, Karl
Serve lo sviluppo per un territorio ai margini?
2022-01-01 Kraehmer, Karl
Territori in decrescita: da descrizione del declino a progetto desiderabile
2021-01-01 Kraehmer, Karl
The Case for Solidary Degrowth Spaces. Five propositions on the challenging project of Spatializing Degrowth
2024-01-01 Brokow-Loga, Anton; Kraehmer, Karl
The right to the ecological city: Reconciling ecological sustainability and social justice in a neighbourhood transformation in Turin
2024-01-01 Kraehmer, Karl
Torino Food Metrics Report 2023 - Section on Food Consumption
2023-01-01 Toldo, Alessia; Tonet, Tommaso; Battisti, Luca; Kraehmer, Karl
Towards Sustainable and Sufficient City Region Food Systems: Reflections from the Case Study of Turin, Italy
2024-01-01 Karl Kraehmer; Luca Battisti; Giaime Berti; Riccardo Giovanni Bruno; Egidio Dansero
Urbano-Rurale: Quattro Sguardi Su Un Rapporto Complesso
2022-01-01 D'Angelo, Fabrizio; Di Baldassarre, Maria Giada; Candia, Selena; Kraehmer, Karl
‘Art Barricades’ and ‘Poetic Legitimation’ for squatted spaces: Metropoliz, Rome and Cavallerizza Reale, Turin
2018-01-01 Bragaglia, Francesca; Kraehmer, Karl