A Fragment of a Festival of Old Hittite Tradition
2003-01-01 S. DE MARTINO
A Temptative Chronology of the Kingdom of Mittani from its Rise to the Reign of Tusratta
2004-01-01 S. DE MARTINO
Alalimi: One Name, How Many Individuals?
2023-01-01 Stefano de Martino
Ali-Sarruma re di Isuwa
2010-01-01 Stefano de Martino
An Episode of Conflict in Relations between Hatti and Ahhiyawa
Anatoli antica: didattica e ricerca in Italia da Piero Meriggi a oggi
2018-01-01 S. DE MARTINO, C. MORA
Anatolia after the Collapse of the Hittite Empire
2009-01-01 S. de Martino
Anatolia between the 13th and the 12th Century BCE
2020-01-01 elena devecchi; stefano de martino
Annali e Res Gestae antico ittiti
2003-01-01 S. DE MARTINO
Archaelogical Investigation at Yassi-Huyuk (Yozgat). The site of Yassi-Huyuk within the overall picture of Hittite geography
2010-01-01 Stefano de Martino
Austro-Italian Archaeological Investigations in the Region of Yozgat
2009-01-01 M. Fales; S. de Martino; S. Ponchia; K. Strobel
Bridging Representation and Visualization in Prosopographic Research: A Case Study
2022-01-01 Alessandra Urbinati, Enrico Burdisso, Arthur Thomas Edward Capozzi Lupi, Claudio Mattutino, Salvatore Vilella, Alfonso Semeraro, Giancarlo Ruffo, Carlo Corti, Stefano De Martino, Elena Devecchi, Erica Scarpa, Giulia Torri, Rossana Damiano
Central West: Philology
2017-01-01 DE MARTINO, Stefano
Conservation and exploitment of scattered heritage: from the archaeological park to the landscape museum. Some hypothesis about Anatolian Hittite sites
2011-01-01 S. De Martino; P. Pressenda; P. Sereno
Corrompere gli dei nell'Anatolia ittita
2017-01-01 Stefano DE MARTINO,
Da Kussara a Karkemish Storia del regno ittita
2016-01-01 DE MARTINO, Stefano
Dance in Hittite Culture: Choreography and Setting
2024-01-01 Stefano de Martino
Das Fragment YH 2005/1
2007-01-01 S. de Martino
Das Projekt Literatur zum Hurritischen Lexikon
2007-01-01 S. De Martino; M. Giorgieri
Death Penalty in the Hittite Documentation
2012-01-01 S. de Martino; E. Devecchi