CERLI, Chiara
CERLI, Chiara
Association of organic matter to kaolinite-Fe oxides mixed systems: the effect on Cu adsorption
2004-01-01 L. Celi; C. Cerli; M. Martin; Barberis E.
Changes in humic substances along an age sequence of Norway spruce stands planted on former agricultural land
2008-01-01 Cerli C.; Celi L.; Kaiser K.; Guggenberger G.; Johansson MB.; Cignetti A.; Zanini E.
Dynamics of organic matter in a 65 years natural re-vegetation of mining spoil-banks with Pinus Sylvestris L. in Northern Russia
2007-01-01 Cerli C.; Kaiser K.; Guggenberger G.; Bonifacio E.; Celi L.
Effect of density cut-offs and sonication energy on organic matter density fractionation
2008-01-01 Cerli C.; Celi L.; Guggenberger G.; Kaiser K.
Effect of land use change on soil properties and carbon accumulation in the Ticino Park (North Italy)
2009-01-01 Cerli C.; Celi L.; Bosio P.; Motta R.; Grassi G.
Effect of land use change on soil properties and carbon accumulation in the Ticino Park (North-Italy)
2007-01-01 L. Celi; P. Bosio; C. Cerli; G. Grassi
Evaluation of density cut-offs and sonication energy to isolate meaningful soil density separates
2007-01-01 Cerli C.; Bonifacio E.; Celi L.; Guggenberger G.; Kaiser K.
Forme di fosforo come marker pedogenetico in una ex-cava di sabbia colonizzata da Pinus sylvestris (Staraja Maluxa, NO Russia)
2008-01-01 Celi L.; Gandino A.; Cerli C.; Bonifacio E.
Humic acid characteristics in podzol soil chronosequence
2010-01-01 Abakumov E; Trubetskoj O; Demin D; Celi L; Cerli C; Trubetskaya O
Influenza della formazione di sistemi organo-minerali sull’accumulo di Cu nel suolo
2004-01-01 L. Celi; C. Cerli; M. Martin; E. Barberis
Organic matter stabilisation as affected by land use
2008-01-01 Celi L.; Bosio P.; Cerli C.; Grassi G.
Separation of light and heavy organic matter fractions in soil — Testing for proper density cut-off and dispersion level
2012-01-01 Cerli, C.; Celi, L.; Kalbitz, K.; Guggemberger, G.; Kaiser, K
Short-time effect of clear cutting on soil carbon stock and dynamics in a boreal forest (Middle Taiga zone, Russia).
2010-01-01 Falsone G.; Bonifacio E.; Cerli C.; Simonov G.; Celi L.
Soil development along a glacial chronosequence (Pré de Bar glacier, NW Italy)
2010-01-01 Stéphanie Letey; Michele Freppaz; Gianluca Filippa; Silvia Stanchi; Chiara Cerli; Paolo Pogliotti; Ermanno Zanini
Soil organic matter changes in a spruce chronosequence on Swedish former agricultural soil: I. Carbon and lignin dynamics (CORRIGENDUM)
Soil Organic Matter Chemical and Physical Fractionation: A Comparison on a Developing Soil
2008-01-01 Celi L.; Cerli C.; Guggenberger G.; Kaiser K.
Soil organic matter dynamics in paddy fields: influence of different agronomic practices
2009-01-01 Said-Pullicino D.; Celi L.; Biason E.; Cerli C.; Sacco D.; Romani M.; Grignani C.; Barberis E.
Valutazione dell'effetto dell'età d'impianto sull'accumulo di C in foreste di abete rosso in Svezia: uno studio FT-IR
2004-01-01 Cerli C.; Celi L.; Johansson M-B.; Zanini E.