Behavioural study on host plants shared by the predator Dicyphus errans and the prey Tuta absoluta.
2017-01-01 ingegno, V. Candian, L. Tavella
Effect of leaf extracts from two Brassica rapa subspecies on in vitro growth of entomopathogenic fungi
2018-01-01 D. Cerritos, P. Avery, X. Martini, V. Candian, L. Cano, R. Cave
Effector repertoire of the citrus fungal pathogen Collectotrichum acutatum
2017-01-01 V. Candian, L. Cano, D. Oppelaar
Effector repertoire of the citrus fungal pathogen Colletotrichum acutatum
2017-01-01 V. Candian, L. Cano, D. Oppelaar
Effetto della dieta sull’espressione genica di peptidi antimicrobici in Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae).
2021-01-01 Candian V., Savio C., Meneguz M., Gasco L., Tedeschi R.,
Entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea, deploy an array of effector proteins during infection of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus infected-Diaphorina citri
2019-01-01 M. Pitino, Q. Zheng, V. Candian, Q. Shi, C. Liu, S. Saha, P.S. Hosmani, D.G. Hall, R. Tedeschi, P.B. Avery, R.D. Cave, E. Stover, R.G. Shatters, L.M. Cano
Exclusion nets for the control of fruit pests in NW Italy
2016-01-01 V. Candian, M. G. Pansa, L. Tavella, R. Tedeschi
Exclusion nets for the control of fruit pests in NW Italy
2015-01-01 Candian, Valentina; Pansa, M. G.; Tavella, Luciana
Il progetto LIFE+ SU,SA,FRUIT - Utilizzo delle reti escludi-insetto per una frutticoltura sostenibile: l'esperienza in Piemonte
2016-01-01 Candian, V.; Pansa, M.G.; Tavella, L.; Tedeschi, R.
Impact of the diet on the expression of antimicrobial peptide genes in Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)
2021-01-01 Candian V., Dho M., Tedeschi R.
The use of exclusion nets for pest management in fruit orchards in NW Italy
2018-01-01 R. Tedeschi, V. Candian, M.G. Pansa, L. Tavella