"In Nature's Dress." The Anthropocene, Talking Nature and the Poetry of Margaret Cavendish
2023-01-01 Alessio Mattana
Antiquitas non fingo: Newton, the Moderns and the Science of Ancient History
2020-01-01 Mattana A.
Disciplining the Imagination: Newtonianism and Prose Narrative in Eighteenth-Century Britain
2024-01-01 Alessio Mattana
Femmes de science en Angleterre et auctorialité à la fin du XVIIe siècle et au début du XVIIIe : quelques considerations
2021-01-01 alessio mattana
From One Faculty to Another: Text and Image in Robert Hooke’s Micrographia
2017-01-01 alessio mattana
Hemispheres and Stratospheres: The Idea and Experience of Distance in the International Enlightenment. Edited by Kevin L.Cope. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press. 2021. x + 249pp. $44.95 (pb). ISBN 978‐1‐684‐48201‐6
2022-01-01 Alessio Mattana
Introduction: Persona non grata? The Literary in Comparative and World Literature
2020-01-01 Mattana, A; Rossi, LL
Introduction: The Antique and the Natural. Exploring the Eighteenth-Century Textual Network
2020-01-01 Alessio Mattana; Giacomo Savani
Robinson Crusoe tra 'Reason' e 'Fancy'
2014-01-01 Alessio Mattana
Sprovveduti, innovativi o libertari? Qualche considerazione sull'uso degli anglicismi in italiano
2020-01-01 alessio mattana
The Allure of Synthesis: Science and the Literary in Comparative and World Literature
2020-01-01 alessio mattana
The Christian and the Philosopher: Defoe's The Storm Between Empiricism and Narrative
2024-01-01 Mattana, Alessio
The Modest Genius: Mathematics, Certainty, and the Creation of the Public Newton
2023-01-01 Alessio Mattana
The Voice of the Non-Human: Scientific Knowledge, It-Narratives and Fiction in the Long Eighteenth Century
2023-01-01 Mattana, Alessio
Traduttori e sviluppo della cultura. Sette figure della casa editrice Einaudi 1936 - 1970.
2023-01-01 Frédéric Ieva, Michela Landi, Bruno Maida, Alessio Mattana, Fabio Minazzi, Gianfranco Petrillo, Michele Sisto,
«Ad amare una volta un po’ meglio tutti gli altri mortali». Ugo Foscolo e la traduzione del Sentimental Journey
2016-01-01 alessio mattana
“Come sa io vivo di questo”: Bruno Fonzi traduttore e redattore in Einaudi
2023-01-01 alessio mattana
“The Eye to the Object”: The Question of Demonstrative Knowledge in Defoe’s The Consolidator
2023-01-01 alessio mattana