A chimical signal allows flexible sex allocation in a hermaphroditic polichaete worm.
2001-01-01 M.C. Lorenzi; G. Sella; D. Schleicherova
Alternative reproductive strategies and fitness in hermaphrodites.
2010-01-01 Schleicherova D.; Lorenzi M. C.; Sella G.
Costo dei conflitti interindividuali nel polichete ermafrodita Ophryotrocha diadema.
2006-01-01 Schleicherova D.; Lorenzi M.C.; Sella G.
Costs and benefits of playing both sexes: long term consequences of protandrous phase reproduction in a hermaphroditic worm.
2004-01-01 Sella G.; Lorenzi M. C.; Schleicherova D.; Fagetti A.
Costs of sexual conflicts related to promiscuity in simultaneous hermaphrodites.
2006-01-01 Schleicherova D.; Lorenzi M. C.; Sella G
Flexible allocation to male and female functions in hermaphrodites: a comparison among three polychaete worm species
2012-01-01 Schleicherova D.; Sella G.; Simonini R.; M.P. Martino; Cervella P. ; Lorenzi M. C.
Gender expression and density: a test in Ophryotrocha diadema and Ophryotrocha labronica.
2006-01-01 Schleicherova D.; Lorenzi M. C.; Sella G.; Michiels N. K.
Il polichete ermafrodita Ophryotrocha diadema può variare l’allocazione di risorse riproduttive in funzione delle condizioni sociali.
2002-01-01 D. Schleicherova; M.C. Lorenzi; G. Sella
Influence of sperm competition on sex allocation and life history of hermaphrodites.
2002-01-01 G. Sella; M.C. Lorenzi; D. Schleicherova
Life history and sex allocation strategies in a simultaneously hermaphroditic polychaete worm.
2004-01-01 Lorenzi M.C.; Sella G.; Schleicherová D.
Life history and sex allocation strategies in a simultaneously hermaphroditic polychaete worm.
2005-01-01 Lorenzi M.C.; Sella G.; Schleicherova D.
Number of mates and the advantage of hermaphroditism over gonochorism.
2006-01-01 Lorenzi M.C.; Natta S.; Schleicherova D.; Sella G.
Ottimizzazione dell’allocazione sessuale nel polichete ermafrodita Ophryotrocha diadema.
2005-01-01 Schleicherova D.; Sella G.; Lorenzi M.C.
Outcrossing hermaphroditic polychaete woms adjust their sex allocation to social conditions.
2005-01-01 Schleicherova D.; Sella G.; Lorenzi M.C.
Percezione della condizione sociale e allocazione di risorse riproduttive nel polichete ermafrodita simultaneo Ophryotrocha diadema.
2004-01-01 Schleicherova D.; Sella G.; Lorenzi M.C.
Plasticity in sex allocation: comparisons among three species of polychaete worms
2012-01-01 M. C. Lorenzi; D. Schleicherova; G. Sella
Sex allocation adjustment in lab vs wild simultaneous hermaphrodites.
2011-01-01 Schleicherova D.; Lorenzi M. C.; Sella G
Sex allocation adjustments in three simultaneously hermaphroditic species of Ophryotrocha
2008-01-01 Schleicherová D; Lorenzi MC; Sella G
Sexual conflicts in hermaphrodites: trade-off between sexual functions.
2003-01-01 M.C. Lorenzi; G. Sella; D. Schleicherova