RAI, Eleonora
RAI, Eleonora
A Strange Case of Co-Authorship. Humana industria, the Holy Spirit, and the Inspiration of the Scriptures according to Leonard Lessius (1500s-1800s)
2021-01-01 Eleonora Rai
A ‘martyred’ Society: the suffering of Suppression and the Jesuit factory of Saints (18th-20th centuries)
2020-01-01 Eleonora Rai
All’ombra della Santa Parola. Dio, il Diavolo e il XIX secolo
2013-01-01 eleonora rai
Between Augustine and Pelagius: Leonard Lessius in the Leuven Controversies, from 1587 to the 20th century
2016-01-01 Eleonora Rai
Ex Meritis Praevisis. Predestination, Grace, and Free Will in intra-Jesuit controversies (1587-1613)
2020-01-01 Eleonora Rai
Fantastic Saints and Where to Find Them: Why does Sanctity Matter? Preface to Profiling Saints
2023-01-01 Elisa Frei; Eleonora Rai
Heroicity and sanctity in Catholic thought from early modern to contemporary age
2019-01-01 Jenny Ponzo; Eleonora Rai
Il sacrificio della carne. Donne a immagine di Cristo (XIX-XX secolo)
2022-01-01 Eleonora Rai
Il santo e l’eretico: attribuzione di santità e controversie teologiche nei documenti di Sant’Ufficio e Indice. Il caso di Leonardo Lessio (XVII-XX secolo)
2019-01-01 Eleonora Rai
Jesuit Sanctity: Hypothesizing the Continuity of a Hagiographic Narrative of the Modern Age
2022-01-01 Motta F.; Rai E.
Jesuits and Sanctity, Journal of Jesuit Studies 9.1 (2022)
2022-01-01 Franco Motta; Eleonora Rai
La legge e il martirio. Morte e normativa nel processo di canonizzazione del “protomartire” gesuita Antonio Criminali (XVI–XX secolo)
2019-01-01 Eleonora Rai
La santa parola. Le veggenti di Pusiano e i loro seguaci
2013-01-01 Eleonora Rai
L’apocalittica come spiegazione ai «mali» del XIX secolo. Il caso di Giacomo Maria Montini (1874)
2009-01-01 Eleonora Rai
Martyrs and Missionaries: Strategies of Jesuit Sainthood Between Suppression and Restoration (From the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Centuries)
2022-01-01 Franco Motta; Eleonora Rai
Martyrs and Missionaries: Strategies of Jesuit Sainthood between the Suppression and the Restoration
2022-01-01 Motta F.; Rai E.
Moral Economy and the Jesuits
2018-01-01 Eleonora Rai
Profiling saints. Images of Modern Sanctity in a Global World
2023-01-01 Elisa Frei; Eleonora Rai
Prophecies, eschatology, and the fall of the Pope. The prophetesses of Pusiano and the crisis of the Roman Church (19th century)
2019-01-01 Eleonora Rai
Religious Emotions in Italian Indipetae: The Desire for the Indies in the Restored Society
2022-01-01 Eleonora Rai