Bidirectional Association between Metabolic Control in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontitis Inflammatory Burden: A Cross-Sectional Study in an Italian Population
2021-01-01 Romano, Federica; Perotto, Stefano; Mohamed, Sara Elamin Osman; Bernardi, Sara; Giraudi, Marta; Caropreso, Paola; Mengozzi, Giulio; Baima, Giacomo; Citterio, Filippo; Berta, Giovanni Nicolao; Durazzo, Marilena; Gruden, Gabriella; Aimetti, Mario
Can Periodontitis Affect the Health and Disease of the Digestive System? A Comprehensive Review of Epidemiological Evidence and Biological Mechanisms
2021-01-01 Baima G.; Ribaldone D.G.; Muwalla M.; Romano F.; Citterio F.; Armandi A.; Aimetti M.
Changes in the Salivary Metabolic Profile of Generalized Periodontitis Patients after Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy: A Metabolomic Analysis Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
2020-01-01 Citterio, Filippo; Romano, Federica; Meoni, Gaia; Iaderosa, Giovanni; Grossi, Silvia; Sobrero, Alberto; Dego, Francesca; Corana, Matteo; Berta, Giovanni Nicolao; Tenori, Leonardo; Aimetti, Mario
Consensus report of the joint workshop of the Italian Society of Diabetology, Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology, Italian Association of Clinical Diabetologists (SID-SIdP-AMD)
2021-01-01 Adda G.; Aimetti M.; Citterio F.; Consoli A.; Di Bartolo P.; Landi L.; Lione L.; Luzi L.
Influence of locally delivered doxycycline on the clinical and molecular inflammatory status of intrabony defects prior to periodontal regeneration: A double-blind randomized controlled trial
2023-01-01 Aimetti, Mario; Baima, Giacomo; Aliyeva, Nargiz; Lorenzetti, Virginia; Citterio, Filippo; Franco, Francesco; Di Scipio, Federica; Berta, Giovanni N; Romano, Federica
Macro and trace elements signature of periodontitis in saliva: A systematic review with quality assessment of ionomics studies
2022-01-01 Baima G.; Iaderosa G.; Corana M.; Romano F.; Citterio F.; Giacomino A.; Berta G.N.; Aimetti M.
Metabolomics of gingival crevicular fluid to identify biomarkers for periodontitis: A systematic review with meta-analysis
2021-01-01 Baima G.; Corana M.; Iaderosa G.; Romano F.; Citterio F.; Meoni G.; Tenori L.; Aimetti M.
Pocket closure after repeated subgingival instrumentation: a stress test to the EFP guideline for stage III-IV periodontitis
2023-01-01 Ferrarotti, F; Baima, G; Rendinelli, M; Citterio, F; Mariani, GM; Mussano, F; Romano, F; Romandini, M; Aimetti, M
Quality of methods and reporting in association studies of chronic periodontitis and IL1A −889 and IL1B +3953/4 SNPs: A systematic review
2019-01-01 Citterio F.; Romano F.; Ferrarotti F.; Gualini G.; Aimetti M.
Salivary metabolomics for the diagnosis of periodontal diseases: a systematic review with methodological quality assessment
2021-01-01 Baima G.; Iaderosa G.; Citterio F.; Grossi S.; Romano F.; Berta G.N.; Buduneli N.; Aimetti M.
Surface decontamination protocols for surgical treatment of peri-implantitis: A systematic review with meta-analysis
2022-01-01 Baima, Giacomo; Citterio, Filippo; Romandini, Mario; Romano, Federica; Mariani, Giulia Maria; Buduneli, Nurcan; Aimetti, Mario