BUBBIO, Paolo Diego
BUBBIO, Paolo Diego
A Sacrificial Crisis Not Far Away: Star Wars as a Genuinely Modern Mythology
2019-01-01 Bubbio P
Automi senz'anima o compagni nella sofferenza?
2011-01-01 Bubbio P
Bentornato, Heidegger
2012-01-01 Bubbio P
Editors' Introduction: Continental Philosophy in Australasia
2014-01-01 Bubbio P; Alberts P; Barbour C; Ling A
2023-01-01 Paolo Diego Bubbio
Ermeneutica: ancora pensiero sacrificale? Heidegger, Derrida e Ricoeur secondo il pensiero di René Girard
2000-01-01 Bubbio P
Esistenza e Logos: filosofia, esperienza religiosa, rivelazione
2007-01-01 Bubbio P; Coda P
Existence, Interpretation, Freedom: Selected Writings
2009-01-01 Bubbio P
From the Hermeneutic of Violence to Redemption
2021-01-01 Bubbio P
Fuori dalle città, tra le città: René Girard e il male radicale
2008-01-01 Bubbio P
Girard and Anselm: Ontological Argument and Mimetic Theory
2010-01-01 Bubbio P
God and the Self in Hegel: Beyond Subjectivism
2017-01-01 Bubbio P
God, Incarnation, and Metaphysics in Hegel's Philosophy of Religion
2014-01-01 Bubbio P
Hegel and the ontological argument for the existence of God
2014-01-01 Redding P; Bubbio P
Hegel, Heidegger e l'interpretazione dell'esperienza
2019-01-01 Bubbio P
Hegel, Heidegger, and the 'I': Preliminary Reflections for a New Paradigm of the Self
2015-01-01 Bubbio P
Hegel, Heidegger, and the Quest for the "I": Prolegomena to a Philosophy of the Self
2024-01-01 Paolo Diego Bubbio
Hegel, Logic and Speculation
2019-01-01 Bubbio P; De Cesaris A; Pagano M; Weslati H
Hegel, the Trinity, and the 'I'
2014-01-01 Bubbio P
Hegel: Death of God and Recognition of the Self
2015-01-01 Bubbio P