Razafindrakoto, Zoarilala Rinah
Razafindrakoto, Zoarilala Rinah
Antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, and toxicity studies of the aerial parts of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv
2021-01-01 Razafindrakoto Z.R.; Tombozara N.; Donno D.; Gamba G.; Nalimanana N.R.; Rakotondramanana D.A.; Andrianjara C.; Beccaro G.L.; Ramanitrahasimbola D.
Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, and Antidiabetic Activities of Leaves and Stems of Uapaca bojeri Bail.(EUPHORBIACEAE), an Endemic Plant of Madagascar
2020-01-01 Zoarilala Rinah Razafindrakoto,Dario Donno, Nantenaina Tombozara, Harilala Andriamaniraka, Charles Andrianjara, David Ramanitrahasimbola, Gabriele Loris Beccaro
Assessing a “Least-Concern” Red List Tree Species from Madagascar Used in Traditional Medicine: Morella spathulata (Myricaceae) Phyto-Compounds and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
2024-01-01 Fioccardi A.; Donno D.; Razafindrakoto Z.R.; Tombozara N.; Henintsoa S.; Mahitasoa E.; Torti V.; Solofoniaina M.; Rosso L.; Gamba G.; Andrianjara C.; Ramanitrahasimbola D.; Beccaro G.L.
Bio-guided isolation of androsta-1,4-dien-3,16-dione as a vasodilator active principle from the inflorescence of Ravenala madagascariensis Sonn. (Strelitziaceae)
2023-01-01 Rakotondramanana D.A.; Razafindrakoto Z.R.; Donno D.; Tombozara N.; Nalimanana N.R.; Andrianajara C.; Beccaro G.L.; Ramanitrahasimbola D.; Nicoletti M.
Chemical composition, antimicrobial activity, and antioxidant capacity of Micromeria flagellaris Baker and M. madagascariensis Baker: Two endemic species from Madagascar as sources of essential oils
2024-01-01 Rakotofina H.M.E.; Donno D.; Tombozara N.; Razafindrakoto Z.R.; Rakotonandrasana S.R.; Ramanitrahasimbola D.; Andrianjaka S.; Torti V.; Beccaro G.L.; Rakotovao M.
Development of a preliminary extraction protocol for phenol compounds during table grape grafting formation
2024-01-01 Gamba, Giovanni; Donno, Dario; Razafindrakoto, Zoarilala Rinah; Sabbatini, Paolo; Beccaro, Gabriele Loris
First phytochemical study of six tree and shrub species with high health-promoting potential from Madagascar: Innovative uses for food and medicinal applications
2022-01-01 Fioccardi A.; Donno D.; Razafindrakoto Z.R.; Gamba G.; Beccaro G.L.
Freeze-Drying for the Reduction of Fruit and Vegetable Chain Losses: A Sustainable Solution to Produce Potential Health-Promoting Food Applications
2025-01-01 Donno, Dario; Neirotti, Giovanna; Fioccardi, Annachiara; Razafindrakoto, Zoarilala Rinah; Tombozara, Nantenaina; Mellano, Maria Gabriella; Beccaro, Gabriele Loris; Gamba, Giovanni
Phyto-compounds and pharmacological activities of Lygodium lanceolatum Desv. (Schizaeaceae)
2020-01-01 Razafin-drabazo F.; Donno D.; Tombozara N.; Razafindrakoto Z.R.; Rajaonarison J.F.; Andrianjara C.; Ramanitrahasimbola D.; Beccaro G.L.
Phytochemical and pharmacological activities of Schefflera bojeri (Seem.) R. Vig. (Araliaceae)
2022-01-01 Tombozara N.; Razafindrakoto Z.R.; Donno D.; Randriamampionona D.; Ramilison-Razafimahefa R.D.; Rakotondramanana D.A.; Andrianjara C.; Ramanitrahasimbola D.; Beccaro G.L.
Phytochemical and Pharmacological Profile of Four Malagasy Medicinal Plants Used in Different Chronic Diseases: Strategies for the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in the Malagasy Health System
2022-01-01 Zoarilala Rinah Razafindrakoto, Nantenaina Tombozara, Dario Donno, Gabriele Loris Beccaro, David Ramanitrahasimbola
Quali-Quantitative Study on Phenol Compounds as Early Predictive Markers of Graft Incompatibility: A Case Study on Chestnut (Castanea spp.)
2022-01-01 Gamba, Giovanni; Cisse, Viviana; Donno, Dario; Razafindrakoto, Zoarilala Rinah; Beccaro, Gabriele Loris
Quali–Quantitative Fingerprinting of the Fruit Extract of Uapaca bojeri Bail. (Euphorbiaceae) and Its Antioxidant, Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory, and Antihyperglycemic Effects: An Example of Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Madagascar
2023-01-01 Rakotonirina F.M.V.; Donno D.; Razafindrakoto Z.R.; Tombozara N.; Rafanomezantsoa R.M.; Andrianjara C.; Ramanitrahasimbola D.; Beccaro G.L.
Sviluppo di protocolli per la propagazione di specie vegetali endemiche del Madagascar ad alto valore fitochimico
2023-01-01 Annachiara Fioccardi, Dario Donno, Zoarilala Rinah Razafindrakoto, Giovanni Gamba, Matteo Caser, Valentina Scariot, Gabriele Loris Beccaro
The first assessment on antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of leaves and stems of Vaccinium secundiflorum Hook. (Ericaceae), an endemic plant of Madagascar
2020-01-01 Tombozara N.; Donno D.; Razafindrakoto Z.R.; Randriamampionona D.; Ramanitrahasimbola D.; Andrianjara C.; Ramilison-Razafimahefa R.D.; Rakotondramanana D.A.; Beccaro G.L.