DI COSMO, Valeria
DI COSMO, Valeria
Are Renewables Profitable in 2030? A Comparison between Wind and Solar across Europe
2018-01-01 Valentin Bertsch ; Valeria Di Cosmo
Carbon tax scenarios and their effects on the Irish energy sector
2013-01-01 Di Cosmo, Valeria; Hyland, Marie
Climate policy, interconnection and carbon leakage: the effect of unilateral UK policy on electricity and GHG emissions in Ireland
Combined assessment of material and energy supply risks in the energy transition: A multi-objective energy system optimization approach
2025-01-01 Gianvito Colucci, Jonas Finke, Valentin Bertsch, Valeria Di Cosmo, Laura Savoldi
Competition and the single electricity market: Which lessons for Ireland?
2016-01-01 Valeria Di Cosmo ; Muireann Á. Lynch
Decomposing patterns of emission intensity in the EU and China: how much does trade matter?
2015-01-01 Valeria Di Cosmo; Marie Hyland
Disentangling Water Usage in the European Union: A Decomposition Analysis
2014-01-01 Di Cosmo, Valeria; Hyland, Marie; Llop, Maria
Estimating the Impact of Time-of-Use Pricing on Irish Electricity Demand
2014-01-01 Di Cosmo, Valeria; Lyons, Sean; Nolan, Anne
Evaluating the impact of hurdle rates on the Italian energy transition through TEMOA
2025-01-01 Matteo Nicoli; Gianvito Colucci; Valeria Di Cosmo; Daniele Lerede; Laura Savoldi
Exploring the feasibility of Europe's renewable expansion plans based on their profitability in the market
2023-01-01 Finke, J; Bertsch, V; Di Cosmo, V
Fat vs. Sugar: The Case for a Saturated Fat Tax in Italy
2025-01-01 Di Cosmo Valeria; Tiezzi Silvia
From Forward to Spot Prices: Producers, Retailers and Loss Averse Consumers in Electricity Markets
2018-01-01 Valeria Di Cosmo; Elisa Trujillo-Baute
How are fuel efficient cars priced? Evidence from eight EU countries
2019-01-01 Alberini A.; Di Cosmo V.; Bigano A.
How much does wind power reduce CO2 emissions? Evidence from the Irish Single Electricity Market
2018-01-01 Valeria Di Cosmo; Laura Malaguzzi Valeri
Impact of new interconnection lines on the EU electricity market
2016-01-01 Valeria Di Cosmo ; Valentin Bertsch ; Paul Deane
Nudging electricity consumption using TOU pricing and feedback: evidence from Irish households
2017-01-01 Cosmo, Valeria Di; O’Hora, Denis
Strategic bidding, wind ownership and regulation in a decentralised electricity market
2016-01-01 Darragh Walsh ; Laura Malaguzzi Valeri ; Valeria Di Cosmo
Technology-Specific Hurdle Rates for Energy System Optimization Models
2024-01-01 Laera S.; Colucci G.; Di Cosmo V.; Lerede D.; Nicoli M.; Savoldi L.
TEMOA-europe: An open-source and open-data energy system optimization model for the analysis of the European energy mix
2024-01-01 Lerede D.; Di Cosmo V.; Savoldi L.
The effect of increased transmission and storage in an interconnected Europe: an application to France and Ireland
2018-01-01 Valeria Di Cosmo ; Sean Collins ; Paul Deane