A Deep Learning Approach to Anomaly Detection in the Gaia Space Mission Data
2019-01-01 Druetto A.; Roberti M.; Cancelliere R.; Cavagnino D.; Gai M.
Anomaly Detection Techniques in the Gaia Space Mission Data
2021-01-01 Roberti M.; Druetto A.; Busonero D.; Cancelliere R.; Cavagnino D.; Gai M.
Column generation and rounding heuristics for minimizing the total weighted completion time on a single batching machine
2022-01-01 Druetto A.; Grosso A.
Column generation bounds on a network flow model to minimize the total weighted completion time for a single parallel batching machine
2021-01-01 Alessandro Druetto, Andrea Cesare Grosso
Column generation for minimizing total completion time in a parallel-batching environment
2021-01-01 Alfieri A.; Druetto A.; Grosso A.; Salassa F.
Column generation for minimizing total completion time on a single machine with parallel batching
2019-01-01 Alfieri A.; Druetto A.; Grosso A.; Salassa F.
Dispatching strategy with lookahead for the real-time management of ambulances
2024-01-01 Alessandro Druetto, Roberto Aringhieri, Davide Duma, Alberto Guastalla
Hide45: A Method for Optimal Payload Data Hiding in Base45 Encoded Strings
2023-01-01 Botta, Marco; Cavagnino, Davide; Druetto, Alessandro
High capacity reversible data hiding in radiographic images with optimal bit allocation
2024-01-01 Cavagnino D.; Druetto A.; Grangetto M.; Lucenteforte M.
Parallel batching with multi-size jobs
2021-01-01 Alessandro Druetto, Elena Rener, Erica Pastore
Parallel batching with multi-size jobs and incompatible job families
2022-01-01 Druetto, Alessandro; Pastore, Erica; Rener, Elena
Polynomial-Size ILP formulations for the Total Completion Time Problem on a Parallel Batching Machine
2022-01-01 Alessandro Druetto; Andrea Grosso
Polynomial-Size Models to Minimize Total Completion Time in a Parallel Batching Environment
2022-01-01 Druetto, Alessandro; Grosso, Andrea
Scheduling on single and parallel machines with constrained resources: batching or shared memory environments
Task and Memory Mapping of Large Size Embedded Applications over NUMA architecture✱
2023-01-01 Druetto, Alessandro; Bini, Enrico; Grosso, Andrea; Puri, Stefano; Bacci, Silvio; Di Natale, Marco; Paladino, Francesco
The daily swab test collection problem
2024-01-01 Aringhieri R.; Bigharaz S.; Druetto A.; Duma D.; Grosso A.; Guastalla A.