DI BONA, Elvira
DI BONA, Elvira
A disjointed account of the illusion of auditory continuity: in favor of hearing everyday sounds but against hearing semantic properties
2023-01-01 Di Bona, E
A Skeptical Approach to the Audibility of Semantic Properties
2022-01-01 Elvira Di Bona
Emotional Accounts of Musical Experience and Musical Object. On the Relationship between Music and Emotion
2019-01-01 Elvira Di Bona
Hearing chimeras
2022-01-01 Di Bona, E
Il suono. L'esperienza uditiva e i suoi oggetti
2018-01-01 Elvira Di Bona; Vincenzo Santarcangelo
Introduction. The nature of the auditory object and its specific status as an object of perception
2017-01-01 Elvira Di Bona; Vincenzo Santarcangelo
Listening to the Space of Music
2017-01-01 Elvira Di Bona
Music is not even language-like: Analyzing Kivy’s view on music and language
2020-01-01 Elvira Di Bona
Musil in a loop: the other condition and the extended mind
2019-01-01 Elvira Di Bona; Stefano Ercolino
Narrative and Reflective Temporalities
2015-01-01 Elvira Di Bona
On Hearing Meanings: Reflections on the Method of Contrast, Adaptational Effects, and Semantic Satiation
2020-01-01 Elvira Di Bona
Perception and cognition of music components
2024-01-01 Elvira Di Bona
Some Considerations on Pitch
2013-01-01 Elvira Di Bona
Sonic Methodology in Philosophy
2020-01-01 Elvira Di Bona
2020-01-01 Roberto Casati; Jérôme Dokic; Elvira Di Bona
Sounds and Auditory Perception
2019-01-01 Elvira Di Bona
The Auditory Object
2017-01-01 Elvira Di Bona; Vincenzo Santarcangelo
The Method of Contrast and the Perception of Causality in Audition
2014-01-01 Elvira Di Bona
The Ockhamization of the Event Sources of Sounds
2013-01-01 Roberto Casati; Elvira Di Bona; Jérôme Dokic
The Spatial Experience of Musical Sources: Two Case Studies
2018-01-01 Elvira Di Bona