TORTA, Diana
TORTA, Diana
A multimodal imaging study for the investigation of the neural mechanisms of the TMS induced analgesia
2012-01-01 Torta DM; Legrain V; Duqué J; Olivier E; Mouraux A
Are Fibromyalgia patients cognitively impaired? Objective and subjective neuropsychological evidence.
2015-01-01 Tesio V; Torta DM; Colonna F; Leombruni P; Ghiggia A; Fusaro E; Geminiani GC; Torta R; Castelli L.
Are the cortical responses to nociceptive stimulation necessarily relayed through S1?
2011-01-01 Torta DM; Legrain V; Duqué J; Olivier E; Mouraux A
2014-01-01 F. Cauda;T. Costa;M. Diano;S. Duca;D. M. Torta
Cerebellar Clustering and Functional Connectivity During Pain Processing
2016-01-01 Diano, M; D'Agata, F; Cauda, F; Costa, T; Geda, E; Sacco, K; Duca, S; Torta, D M; Geminiani, G C
Cognitive aspects of nociception and pain. Bridging neurophysiology with cognitive psychology
2012-01-01 V. Legrain; F. Mancini; C.F. Sambo; D.M. Torta; I. Ronga; E. Valentini
Considerazioni conclusive
2013-01-01 Bisi G.; Castellano G.; Cauda F.; D'Agata F.; Ricci R.; Sacco K.; Torta D.; (in ordine alfabetico)
Crossing the Line of Pain: fMRI Correlates of Crossed-Hands Analgesia
2013-01-01 D. M. Torta;M. Diano;T. Costa;A. Gallace;S. Duca;G. C. Geminiani;F. Cauda
Depressive disorders in neurological disease: from clinical features to therapeutic approaches
2007-01-01 Riccardo Torta; Paola Caldera; Diana Torta
Determinants of laser-evoked eeg responses: effect of predictable and unpredictable changes in stimulus location.
2009-01-01 Torta DME; Liang M; Mouraux A; Iannetti GD
Different functions in the cingulate cortex, a meta-analytic connectivity modeling study
2011-01-01 Torta DM; Cauda F
Dishabituation of Laser-evoked EEG Responses: Dissecting the Effect of Certain and Uncertain Changes in Stimulus Modality
2011-01-01 Valentini E; Torta DM; Mouraux A; Iannetti GD
Dishabituation of laser-evoked EEG responses: dissecting the effect of certain and uncertain changes in stimulus spatial location
2012-01-01 Torta DM; Liang M; Valentini V; Mouraux A; Iannetti GD
Dissociation between time reproduction of actions and of intervals in patients with Parkinson’s disease
2010-01-01 Torta DM; Castelli L; Latini-Corazzini L; Banche A; Lopiano L; Geminiani G.
2013-01-01 Tesio V; Torta DM; Ghiggia A; Cagna M; Colonna F; Torta R; Castelli L
Functional anatomy of cortical areas characterized by Von Economo neurons
2013-01-01 Cauda F.; Torta D.M.; Sacco K.; D’Agata F.; Geda E.; Duca S.; Geminiani G.; Vercelli A.
Gray matter alterations in chronic pain: A network-oriented meta-analytic approach
2014-01-01 F. Cauda;S. Palermo;T. Costa;R. Torta;S. Duca;U. Vercelli;G. Geminiani;D. M. Torta
Impulsivities and Parkinson's disease: Delay aversion is not worsened by Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus
2012-01-01 Diana M.E. Torta; Vincenzo Vizzari; Lorys Castelli; Maurizio Zibetti; Michele Lanotte; Leonardo Lopiano; Giuliano Geminiani
Massive Modulation of Brain Areas After Mechanical Pain Stimulation: A Time-Resolved fMRI Study
2014-01-01 Franco Cauda; Tommaso Costa; Matteo Diano; Katiuscia Sacco; Sergio Duca; Giuliano Geminiani; Diana M.E. Torta
Meta-analytic clustering of the insular cortex: Characterizing the meta-analytic connectivity of the insula when involved in active tasks
2012-01-01 Franco Cauda; Tommaso Costa; Diana M.E. Torta; Katiuscia Sacco; Federico D'Agata; Sergio Duca; Giuliano Geminiani; Peter T. Fox; Alessandro Vercelli