A family of quotients of the Rees Algebra
2015-01-01 Barucci V.; D'Anna M.; Strazzanti F.
A rigidity property of local cohomology modules
2017-01-01 Sbarra E; Strazzanti F
Almost canonical ideals and GAS numerical semigroups
2021-01-01 D'Anna M; Strazzanti F
Almost Symmetric Numerical Semigroups with Odd Generators
2020-01-01 Strazzanti F.; Watanabe K. -I.
Binomial edge ideals of bipartite graphs
2018-01-01 Bolognini D; Macchia A; Strazzanti F
Cohen-Macaulay binomial edge ideals and accessible graphs
2022-01-01 Davide Bolognini; Antonio Macchia; Francesco Strazzanti
Dilatations of numerical semigroups
2019-01-01 Barucci V; Strazzanti F
Families of Gorenstein and almost Gorenstein rings
2016-01-01 Barucci V; D'Anna M; Strazzanti F
Minimal genus of a multiple and Frobenius number of a quotient of a numerical semigroup
2015-01-01 Strazzanti F
Nearly Gorenstein cyclic quotient singularities
2021-01-01 Caminata A; Strazzanti F
Nearly Gorenstein vs almost Gorenstein affine monomial curves
2021-01-01 Moscariello A; Strazzanti F
New algebraic properties of quadratic quotients of the Rees algebra
2019-01-01 D'Anna M; Strazzanti F
On the notion of sequentially Cohen–Macaulay modules
2022-01-01 Giulio Caviglia, Alessandro De Stefani, Enrico Sbarra, Francesco Strazzanti
One half of almost symmetric numerical semigroups
2015-01-01 Strazzanti F.
One-dimensional Gorenstein local rings with decreasing Hilbert function
2017-01-01 Oneto Anna; Strazzanti Francesco; Tamone Grazia
Powers of monomial ideals with characteristic-dependent Betti numbers
2022-01-01 Davide Bolognini, Antonio Macchia, Francesco Strazzanti, Volkmar Welker
Simplicial affine semigroups with monomial minimal reduction ideals
2022-01-01 Marco D'Anna, Raheleh Jafari, Francesco Strazzanti
Tangent cones of monomial curves obtained by numerical duplication
2019-01-01 Marco D'Anna; Raheleh Jafari; STRAZZANTI, FRANCESCO
The Hilbert-Kunz function of some quadratic quotients of the Rees algebra
2022-01-01 Francesco Strazzanti; Santiago Zarzuela Armengou
The numerical duplication of a numerical semigroup
2013-01-01 M. D'Anna; F. Strazzanti