ALLUVIONE, Francesco
ALLUVIONE, Francesco
Dip. AGRONOMIA, SELVICOLTURA E GESTIONE TERRITORIO (attivo dal 01/01/1900 al 30/04/2013)
Application of DAISY model in the Northern Italy plain for predicting the effect of different N fertilization strategies on crop growth and N cycle
2010-01-01 Monaco S.; Sacco D.; Zavattaro L.; Alluvione F.; Grignani C.
Carbon sequestration and fertilization management: effects of different sources on N2O and CO2 emissions
2008-01-01 F. Alluvione; C. Bertora; L. Zavattaro; C. Grignani
CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes from maize-based forage systems
2009-01-01 C. Bertora; F. Alluvione; L. Zavattaro; D. Cuk; C. Grignani
Comparing strategies for implementing soil organic matter and nitrogen use in two contrasting soils. In: Innovations for sustainable use of nitrogen resources
2012-01-01 Fiorentino N.; Bertora C.; Alluvione F.; Zavattaro L.; Fagnano M.; Quaglietta Chiarandà F.; Grignani C.
Corn management: can compost help to substitute mineral fertilizers?
2009-01-01 F. Alluvione; N. Fiorentino; M. Fagnano; C. Bertora; L. Zavattaro; C. Grignani
Energetic analysis of three cropping systems
GHGs-saving effects of minimum tillage, green manure and compost application on maize cropped soils in Northern and Southern Italy
2009-01-01 A. Forte; M. Riondino; A. Fierro; A. Virzo; M. Fagnano; N. Fiorentino; R. Spaccini; A. Piccolo; C. Bertora; F. Alluvione; L. Zavattaro; A. Curtaz; W. Mendes da Silva; C. Grignani
Maize response to repeated compost additions in two contrasting environments in Italy
2008-01-01 F. Alluvione; M. Fagnano; N. Fiorentino; C. Grignani; F. Quaglietta Chiarandà; L. Zavattaro
Nitrogen source effects on nitrous oxide emissions from an irrigated no-till corn field (GRACEnet).
2008-01-01 A.D. Halvorson; S. Del Grosso; C. Reule; F. Alluvione
Tillage and nitrogen source effects on nitrous oxide emissions from irrigated cropping systems
2009-01-01 A.D. Halvorson; S.J. Del Grosso; F. Alluvione