BARICCO, Marcello
BARICCO, Marcello
"Big cube" phase formation in Zr-based metallic glasses
2001-01-01 M. Baricco; S. Spriano; I. Chang; M.I. Petrzhik; L. Battezzati
A comparison of energy storage from renewable sources through batteries and fuel cells: A case study in Turin, Italy
2016-01-01 Belmonte, N.; Girgenti, V.; Florian, P.; Peano, C.; Luetto, C.; Rizzi, P; Baricco, M.
A computational study of thermodynamic properties of M-H-F systems for hydrogen storage applications
2010-01-01 M.Corno; E. Pinatel; P. Ugliengo; M.Baricco
A computational study on the effect of fluorine substitution in LiBH4
2011-01-01 Corno M.; Pinatel E.; Ugliengo P.; Baricco M.
A DSC study of structural relaxation in metallic glasses prepared with different quenching rates
1984-01-01 L. Battezzati; G. Riontino; M. Baricco; A. Lucci; F. Marino
A metal hydride compressor for a small scale H2 refuelling station
2023-01-01 Barale, J; Nastro, F; Violi, D; Rizzi, P; Luetto, C; Baricco, M
A nanocristalline f.c.c. phase via devitrification of a Ni36Fe32Ta7Si8B17 amorphous alloy
A resistometric study of crystallization of some Fe-Ni-B based amorphous alloys
1986-01-01 G.Riontino;M.Baricco;F.Marino
A Review of Mechanical and Chemical Sensors for Automotive Li-Ion Battery Systems
2022-01-01 Dotoli M.; Rocca R.; Giuliano M.; Nicol G.; Parussa F.; Baricco M.; Ferrari A.M.; Nervi C.; Sgroi M.F.
A spectroscopic, structural and microcalorimetric study of stishovite, a non-pathogenic polymorph of SiO2
1995-01-01 G. Cerrato; B. Fubini; M. Baricco; C. Morterra
A study of the amorphous-to-nanocristalline transformation in Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 through combined measurements of electrical resistivty, mechanical spectroscopy and TEM
1993-01-01 P.Allia; M.Baricco; E.Bonetti; L.Del Bianco; P.Tiberto; G.Valdrè; F.Vinai
A thermodynamic approach to amorphization in metallic systems
1990-01-01 M. Baricco; L. Battezzati
A thermodynamic assessment of LiBH4
2012-01-01 A.El Kharbachi; EPinatel ; I.Nuta; C.Chatillon; M.Baricco
A thermodynamic investigation of the LiBH4-NaBH4 system
2016-01-01 Dematteis, Erika M.; Roedern, Elsa; Pinatel, Eugenio R.; Corno, Marta; Jensen, Torben R.; Baricco, Marcello
A XPS study of surface composition of CoxFe80-xSi10B10 metallic glasses
1995-01-01 Glisenti, A.; Bertoncello, R.; Casarin, M.; Marcolin, D.; Granozzi, G.; Baricco, Marcello; Angelini, E.
AB5-based metal hydride embedded in polyethylene and polymethylmethacrylate for hydrogen storage
2024-01-01 Ugaddan, Elijah; Violi, Davide; Fiume, Valentina; Barale, Jussara; Luetto, Carlo; Rizzi, Paola; Baricco, Marcello
Above room temperature heat capacity and phase transition of lithium tetrahydroborate
2011-01-01 A. El Kharbachi; I. Nuta; F. Hodaj; M. Baricco
Advanced Engineering MaterialsSpecial Issue: Bulk Metallic Glasses
2007-01-01 M. Baricco
Advances in CALPHAD Methodology for Modeling Hydrides: A Comprehensive Review
2024-01-01 Palumbo, M.; Dematteis, E. M.; Fenocchio, L.; Cacciamani, G.; Baricco, M.
Alloys: Overview
2005-01-01 M. BARICCO