INGLESE, Guglielmo
INGLESE, Guglielmo
A synchronic and diachronic typology of Hittite reciprocal constructions
2017-01-01 Inglese G
Analyzing language variation: Where sociolinguistics and linguistic typology meet
2023-01-01 Inglese G.; Ballare S.
Anticausativization and basic valency orientation in Latin
2021-01-01 Inglese G
Carlota de Benito Moreno: The middle voice and connected constructions in Ibero-Romance: A variationist and dialectal account
2023-01-01 Inglese, Guglielmo
Connectives and discourse markers in Ancient Greek
2018-01-01 Inglese G
Connettivi e marcatori discorsivi in greco antico: il caso di ἀτάρ e αὐτάρ in Omero
2017-01-01 Inglese G
Cross-linguistic sources of anticausative markers
2022-01-01 Guglielmo Inglese
Definite referential null objects in Old Hittite
2019-01-01 Inglese G; Rizzo G; Pflugmacher M
Evidence against unidirectionality in the emergence of middle voice systems
2023-01-01 Inglese, Guglielmo; Verstraete, Jean-Christophe
How do middle voice markers and valency reducing constructions interact? Typological tendencies and diachronic considerations
2022-01-01 Inglese, Guglielmo
Incorporating Hittite into PROIEL: a pilot project
2018-01-01 Inglese G; Molina M; Heckoff H
Inferring Morphological Complexity from Syntactic Dependency Networks: a test
2021-01-01 Brigada Villa L; Inglese G
Introducing DEmA: the Pavia Diachronic Emergence of Alignment database
2021-01-01 Cristofaro S; Inglese G
Introduction: towards a diachronic typology of the middle voice
2023-01-01 Inglese, Guglielmo; Sansò, Andrea
La classificazione delle frasi relative in ittita arcaico: una prospettiva tipologica
2016-01-01 Inglese G
Le categorie grammaticali
2023-01-01 Guglielmo Inglese; Silvia Luraghi
Nisi paria non pugnant: argument structure alternations with lexical reciprocal verbs in Latin
2024-01-01 Guglielmo Inglese
Pluractionality in Hittite: A new look at the suffix -ške/a-
2020-01-01 Inglese G; Mattiola S
Reciprocal constructions in Homeric Greek: A typological and corpus-based approach
2020-01-01 Inglese, Guglielmo; Zanchi, Chiara
Reconstructing variation in Indo-European word order. A treebank-based quantitative study
2023-01-01 Erica Biagetti; Guglielmo Inglese; Chiara Zanchi; Silvia Luraghi