TUNI, Cristina
TUNI, Cristina
A systematic map of studies testing the relationship between temperature and animal reproduction
2024-01-01 Dougherty L.R.; Frost F.; Maenpaa M.I.; Rowe M.; Cole B.J.; Vasudeva R.; Pottier P.; Schultner E.; Macartney E.L.; Lindenbaum I.; Smith J.L.; Carazo P.; Graziano M.; Weaving H.; CanalDomenech B.; Berger D.; Meena A.; Bishop T.R.; Noble D.W.A.; Simoes P.; Baur J.; Breedveld M.C.; Svensson E.I.; Lancaster L.T.; Ellers J.; DeNardo A.N.; Santos M.A.; Ramm S.A.; Drobniak S.M.; Redana M.; Tuni C.; Pilakouta N.; Zizzari Z.V.; Iossa G.; Lupold S.; Koppik M.; Early R.; Gasparini C.; Nakagawa S.; Lagisz M.; Bretman A.; Fricke C.; Snook R.R.; Price T.A.R.
Adult sex ratio and male body condition affect alternative reproductive tactics in a spider
2022-01-01 Heimerl, D; Dudova, P; Wacker, K; Schenkel, E; Despreaux, G; Tuni, C
Characterization of microsatellite loci in the subsocial spider Stegodyphus lineatus (Araneae: Eresidae)
2009-01-01 Bilde, T; Tuni, C; Cariani, A; Santini, A; Tabarroni, C; Garoia, F; Goodacre, S L
Crickets become behaviourally more stable when raised under higher temperatures
2019-01-01 Niemela PT; Niehoff PP; Gasparini C; Dingemanse NJ; Tuni C
Death feigning in the face of sexual cannibalism
2006-01-01 Bilde, Trine; Tuni, Cristina; Elsayed, Rehab; Pekár, Stano; Toft, Søren
Does silk mediate chemical communication between the sexes in a nuptial feeding spider?
2018-01-01 Beyer M; Czaczkes TJ; Tuni C
Enough for all: no mating effort adjustment to varying mate availability in a gift-giving spider
2019-01-01 Magris M; Tuni C
Evidence for loss of nepotism in the evolution of permanent sociality
2015-01-01 Berger-Tal R; Lubin Y; Settepani V; Majer M; Bilde T; Tuni C
Evolution of deceit by worthless donations in a nuptial gift-giving spider
2014-01-01 Ghislandi PG; Albo MJ; Tuni C; Bilde T
Experimental evidence that winning or losing a fight does not affect sperm quality in a field cricket
2019-01-01 Tuni C; Mizerakis VL; Dingemanse NJ
Extreme male mating behaviours: Anecdotes in a nuptial gift-giving spider
2015-01-01 Ghislandi P.; Bilde T.; Tuni C.
Female crickets assess relatedness during mate guarding and bias storage of sperm towards unrelated males
2013-01-01 Tuni C; Beveridge M; Simmons LW
Female mating rates and their fitness consequences in the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum
2022-01-01 Angelakakis, Apostolos; Turetzek, Natascha; Tuni, Cristina
Female state and condition-dependent chemical signaling revealed by male choice of silk trails
2023-01-01 Beyer, Michelle; Uludağ, Kardelen Özgün; Tuni, Cristina
Females of the Cellar Spider Discriminate Against Previous Mates
2015-01-01 Mestre, L; Rodriguez-Teijeiro, JD; Tuni, C
2014-01-01 Berger-Tal R; Tuni C; Lubin Y; Smith D; Bilde T
Food Limitation but Not Enhanced Rates of Ejaculate Production Imposes Reproductive and Survival Costs to Male Crickets
2021-01-01 McMahon, Saoirse; Matzke, Magdalena; Tuni, Cristina
Good reasons to leave home: proximate dispersal cues in a social spider
2016-01-01 Berger-Tal R; Berner-Aharon N; Aharon S; Tuni C; Lubin Y
Heatwaves inflict reproductive but not survival costs to male insects
2024-01-01 Ratz, Tom; Chechi, Tejinder Singh; Dimopoulou, Aliki-Ioanna; Sedlmair, Stephanie Daniela; Tuni, Cristina
High mortality and female-biased operational sex ratio result in low encounter rates and moderate polyandry in a spider
2012-01-01 Tuni, C; Berger-Tal, R