TURSI, Fabrizio
TURSI, Fabrizio
Building an orogen: Review of U-Pb zircon ages from the calabria-peloritani terrane to constrain the timing of the southern variscan belt
2020-01-01 Fornelli A.; Festa V.; Micheletti F.; Spiess R.; Tursi F.
Cold subduction zone in northern Calabria (Italy) revealed by lawsonite–clinopyroxene blueschists
2020-01-01 Tursi, Fabrizio; Bianco, Caterina; Brogi, Andrea; Caggianelli, Alfredo; Prosser, Giacomo; Ruggieri, Giovanni; Braschi, Eleonora
Detrital zircon ages of Oligocene to Miocene sandstone suites of the Southern Apennines foreland basin system, Italy
2022-01-01 Annamaria Fornelli; Francesca Micheletti; Salvatore Gallicchio; Fabrizio Tursi; Sara Criniti; Salvatore Critelli
Ductile Shearing and Focussed Rejuvenation: Records of High-P (eo-)Alpine Metamorphism in the Variscan Lower Crust (Serre Massif, Calabria-Southern Italy)
2022-01-01 Vincenzo Festa; Annamaria Fornelli; Francesca Micheletti; Richard Spiess; Fabrizio Tursi
Evidence of water transport in the Earth’s mantle from an Undetected Seismic Phase in Waveforms from Southern Tyrrhenian (Italy) intermediate-depth and Deep Earthquakes
2023-01-01 Teresa Ninivaggi; Giulio Selvaggi; Salvatore Mazza; Marilena Filippucci; Fabrizio Tursi; Wojciech Czuba
Garnet coalescence clogs melt extraction channels in migmatite
2024-01-01 Festa, Vincenzo; Spiess, Richard; Tursi, Fabrizio
Hercynian subduction‐related processes within the metamorphic continental crust in Calabria (southern Italy)
2020-01-01 Fabrizio Tursi; Richard Spiess; Vincenzo Festa; Rosa Anna Fregola
Nature and origin of an undetected seismic phase in waveforms from Southern Tyrrhenian (Italy) intermediate-depth and deep earthquakes: first evidence for the phase-A in the subducted uppermost lithospheric mantle?
2023-01-01 Ninivaggi T.; Selvaggi G.; Mazza S.; Filippucci M.; Tursi F.; Czuba W.
New insights for the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the upper-intermediate crustal section exposed in the southern Serre Massif (Calabria, Southern Italy): phase equilibria modelling of a garnet-hornblende bearing metandesitic lense
2018-01-01 Fabrizio Tursi; Richard Spiess; Vincenzo Festa; Alfredo Caggianelli
Petrographic and Geochemical Inferences for Genesis of Terra Rossa: A Case Study from the Apulian Karst (Southern Italy)
2023-01-01 Micheletti F.; Fornelli A.; Spalluto L.; Parise M.; Gallicchio S.; Tursi F.; Festa V.
Rapid exhumation of young granites in an extensional domain: the example of the Giglio Island pluton (Tuscany)
2023-01-01 Ibe, Chinedu Uduma; Langone, Antonio; Stuart, Finlay M.; Brogi, Andrea; Caggianelli, Alfredo; Liotta, Domenico; Tursi, Fabrizio
Review of Polymetallic Mineralization in the Sila and Serre Massifs (Calabria, Southern Italy)
2023-01-01 Fregola R.A.; Ciccolella A.; Festa V.; Ruggieri G.; Schingaro E.; Tursi F.; Ventruti G.
Reworking of felsic rocks in ductile shar zones: an example from the Curinga-Girifalco line
2019-01-01 Fabrizio Tursi; Pasquale Acquafredda; Vincenzo Festa; Annamaria Fornelli; Antonio Langone; Francesca Micheletti; Richard Spiess
Syn-shearing mobility of major elements in ductile shear zones: state of the art for felsic deformed protoliths
2018-01-01 Fabrizio Tursi; Vincenzo Festa; Annamaria Fornelli; Francesca Micheletti; Richard Spiess
Syn-shearing mobility of major elements in ductile shear zones: state of the art for felsic deformed protoliths
2018-01-01 TURSI, FABRIZIO; Vincenzo Festa; Annamaria Fornelli; Francesca Micheletti; SPIESS, RICHARD
Syn-tectonic contact aureole and metasomatic reaction zones in carbonate and pelitic host rocks (Elba Island, Italy)
2023-01-01 Zucchi M.; Tursi F.; Brogi A.; Liotta D.; Spiess R.; Caggianelli A.; Ventruti G.; Langone A.
The Curinga–Girifalco Line in the framework of the tectonic evolution of the remnant Alpine chain in Calabria (southern Italy)
2020-01-01 Festa V.; Cicala M.; Tursi F.
2021-01-01 Fabrizio Tursi
The key role of µH2O gradients in deciphering microstructures and mineral assemblages of mylonites: examples from the Calabria polymetamorphic terrane
2022-01-01 Tursi F.
The tectono-magmatic setting of the Hercynian upper continental crust exposed in Calabria (Italy) as revealed by the 1:10,000 structural-geological map of the Levadio stream area
2018-01-01 Vincenzo Festa; TURSI, FABRIZIO; Alfredo Caggianelli; Richard Spiess