ERASMO, Valentina
ERASMO, Valentina
"Religion and the Struggle for Existence. A Note on the Simon N. Patten-Thomas N. Carver Debate"
2024-01-01 Luca Fiorito; Valentina Erasmo
Between Sumner and Galton. A Further Look at Albert Galloway Keller’s Sociology
2024-01-01 Luca Fiorito; Valentina Erasmo
Change within Continuity: an Alternative Reading of the Evolution of Keynes’s Philosophy of Probability
2022-01-01 Valentina Erasmo
Extending Capabilities Conception of the Individual in Economics: Relationality and Responsibility
2023-01-01 Valentina Erasmo
Franklin H. Giddings on Race and Eugenics
2023-01-01 Luca Fiorito; Valentina Erasmo
Hereditarianism, Eugenics and American Social Science in the Interwar Years. Meet the Carverians
2022-01-01 Luca Fiorito; Valentina Erasmo
Homo capabilitiensis. Un paradigma antropologico per il futuro ispirato alla riflessione di Amartya Sen
2020-01-01 Valentina Erasmo
Mutual Recognition: the missing link from the “is” of capabilities to the “ought” of rights. An analysis of Amartya Sen and Paul Ricoeur’s “dialogue”
2021-01-01 Valentina Erasmo
My Well-Being is (not) as Important as Yours: Self-Sacrifice as further Economic Motive in Amartya Sen’s thought
2023-01-01 Valentina Erasmo
Oltre le specificità di genere. Cura e diritti nella prospettiva relazionale di Amartya Sen e Martha Nussbaum
2020-01-01 Valentina Erasmo
Solidarietà come responsabilità intergenerazionale. L’attualità del solidarismo francescano per la conservazione dell’ambiente naturale per le generazioni future
2021-01-01 Valentina Erasmo
The Foundational Decade to Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach (1970-1980)
2019-01-01 Valentina Erasmo
The Impossibility of a Paretian (Il)liberal. A historical review of the main debates around Sen’s liberalism between the Seventies and the Nineties
2023-01-01 Valentina Erasmo
Where Are ‘We’ in the Economy? Some Reflections on the Place of Moral Sentiments and the Commons in Redefining Economics
2023-01-01 Valentina Erasmo; Maria Jordet; Julia Wdowin
‘Who are the Capability Theorists?’: a Tale of the Origins and Development of the Capability Approach
2024-01-01 Valentina Erasmo;
“Econosophy”: Venturing a transdisciplinary approach to Philosophy and Economics
2022-01-01 Valentina Erasmo
“European Green New Deal”: le future politiche comunitarie per la promozione dell’economia circolare
2021-01-01 Valentina Erasmo
“Re-Reading the Treatise. History will matter (again) in Economics”. A comment on John Bryan Davis
2021-01-01 Valentina Erasmo
“Usus pauper”: how early Franciscan economic thought anticipated the debate about food waste
2023-01-01 Valentina Erasmo