Bulk and compound-specific stable-isotope δ15N techniques for evaluating fertilizer-N dynamics in paddy soils
2012-01-01 Said-Pullicino D.; Cucu MA.; Sodano M.; Celi L.
Caracteristicas agronomicas do arroz irrigado submetido a diferentes sistemas de manejo dos residuos culturais com e sem fertilizacao nitrogenada
2011-01-01 Bianchet P.; Sacco D.; Said-Pullicino D.; Celi L.; Saviolo A.; Cucu MA.; Mosca P.; Romani M.; Sangoi L.
Influence of biotic and abiotic processes on the immobilization and distribution of applied N in fertilized paddy soils
2013-01-01 Cucu M.A.; Said-Pullicino D.; Divotti F.; Chierotti M.; Celi L.
Influence of redox soil conditions and rice straw incorporation on nitrogen availability in temperate paddy soils.
2011-01-01 Cucu MA.; Celi L.; Said-Pullicino D.
Influence of redox soil conditions and rice straw incorporation on nitrogen availablity in temperate paddy soils
2011-01-01 Cucu MA.; Said-Pullicino D.; Celi L.
Nitrogen availability in fertilized paddy soils as a function of redox conditions and rice straw incorporation
2012-01-01 Cucu M.A.; Said-Pullicino D.; Maurino V.; Celi L.
Nitrogen immobilization in paddy soils as affected by redox conditions and rice straw incorporation
2012-01-01 Said-Pullicino D.; Birk J.J.; Cucu M.A.; Sodano M.; Glaser B.; Celi L.
Prokaryotic gene abundances driving mitigation of greenhouse gas emission in temperate paddy soil
2014-01-01 M.A. Cucu; R. Gorra; L. Celi; L. Bardi