3D biomechanics assessment of the effectiveness of three different swimming start techniques
2011-01-01 D. Formicola; A. Rainoldi
A biomechanical model of the rider-motorcycle interplay during trial performance
2011-01-01 D. Formicola; A. Rainoldi
A comparison among sport task characterized by external gravity control. Preliminary speculation based on automatic visual analysis.
2012-01-01 D. Formicola; A. Rainoldi
Analysis of skinfold thickness: a comparison among skinfold caliper, ultrasound scanner and ultrasound based caliper
2012-01-01 D. Formicola; M. Ivaldi; A. Rainoldi
Markerless video analysis protocol to evaluate the biomechanic effectiveness of the Snatch: Tecnical Report
2010-01-01 D. Formicola; A. Rainoldi
Motor Science Research Center
2012-01-01 D. Formicola; A. Rainoldi
Neuromechanical characterization of two different techniques of rock climbing
2010-01-01 D. Formicola; M. Gazzoni; L. Pizzigalli; A. Filippini; M. Ivaldi; G. Boccia; A. Riba; A. Rainoldi
Neuromechanical differences between difficulty and boulder climbers
2009-01-01 D. Formicola; M. Gazzoni; L. Pizzigalli; A. Filippini; M. Ivaldi; G. Boccia; A. Riba; A. Rainoldi
Relationship between center of pressure and body barycenter trajectories in elderly subjects during a chair rise test
2013-01-01 Donato Formicola; Luisa Pizzigalli; Alberto Rainoldi
Self Confidence can be enforced by biomechanics feedback
2010-01-01 D. Formicola; A. Rainoldi
Stabilometric and electroencephalographic monitoring of sea wave-motion effects during a sealing boat trip
2012-01-01 L. Pizzigalli; D. Formicola; M. Ivaldi; A. Rainoldi