ARGIRO', Stefano
ARGIRO', Stefano
Calibration of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the CMS experiment
2009-01-01 S. Argiro
CMS software distribution on the LCG and OSG grids
2006-01-01 S. Argirò; K. Rabbertz; et al
Electron and photon measurement with the CMS detector
2010-01-01 S. Argiro'; CMS Collaboration
Performance of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter in pp Collisions
2010-01-01 S. Argiro'; CMS Collaboration
Performance of the Pierre Auger Fluorescence Detector and analysis of well reconstructed events
2003-01-01 S. ARGIRO'
Performance study of the CMS Ecal electronics using electrons from 15-GeV to 250-GeV
2007-01-01 S. ARGIRO'
Status and perspectives of the Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory
2004-01-01 S. ARGIRO'
The analog signal processing system for the Auger fluorescence detector prototype
2001-01-01 S. ARGIRO'; Camin; D.V. Cattaneo; P. Cuautle; M. Destro; M. Facal; P. Gariboldi; R. Grassi; V. Lapolla; Manfredi P. ;Menichetti; E. Privitera; P. Ratti; L. Re; V. Spexiali; Trapani P.; P. Tusi
The DAQ system for the fluorescence detectors of the Pierre Auger observatory
2005-01-01 H. Mathes; S. Argiro; A. Kopmann; O. Martineau
The Development and Release Process for the CMS Software Project”
2006-01-01 S. Argirò ; et al
The Geometry Package for the Pierre Auger Observatory
2005-01-01 L. Nellen; S. Argirò; T. Paul; T. Porter; L. Prado
The LIDAR systems for atmospheric monitoring in Auger
2004-01-01 Mussa R; Argiro S; Cester R; Chiosso M; Filipcic A; Horvat M; Matthews J; Mostafa M; Roberts M; Sequeiros G; Veberic D; Zavrtanik D; Zavrtanik M
The offline software framework of the Pierre Auger Observator
2006-01-01 S. ARGIRO'
The offline software framework of the Pierre Auger Observatory
2005-01-01 S. ARGIRO'
The Pierre Auger Observatory and its fluorescence detector.
2003-01-01 S. ARGIRO'
The Pierre Auger Observatory offline software
2008-01-01 J Allen; S Argirò; S L C Barroso; S Y BenZvi; G Cataldi; M Ding; J Gonzalez; T McCauley; L Nellen; T Paul; T A Porter; L Prado Jr; M Roth; R Ulrich; M Unger;D Veberič
Triggers and streams for calibration in CMS
2011-01-01 Stefano Argirò ; CMS Collaboration