RICUCCI, Roberta
RICUCCI, Roberta
'Classroom segregation? No thanks'. Reflections from the Italian case
2011-01-01 Francesca Gobbo; Roberta Ricucci
'I can express My Feelings with Just a Tweet': Language, Emotion, and the Digital Divide among Immigrant Families in Italy
2021-01-01 Roberta Ricucci
A. Spreafico, A. Coppi, La rappresentanza dei musulmani in Italia
2008-01-01 R. Ricucci
Acquisizione della cittadinanza e costruzione dell’identità personale: essere e sentirsi italiani
2017-01-01 Ricucci Roberta
Affidamento familiare di minori stranieri in Italia: pratica interculturale o neoassimilazionista?
2019-01-01 J. LONG, R. RICUCCI
Allievi stranieri crescono
2016-01-01 Roberta, Ricucci
Amministrare l'immigrazione. La difficile simbiosi tra burocrazia e cittadini stranieri
2012-01-01 Caponio T.; Pastore F.; Ricucci R.
An Increasingly Plural Divinity
2014-01-01 S.C. Martino; R. Ricucci
Appendice metodologica
2003-01-01 R. Ferrero Camoletto; R. Ricucci
Are the Kids All-right?
2016-01-01 Arciprete, C.; Baraldi, C.; Belloni, M.C.; Belotti, V.; Biggeri, M.; Bosisio, R.; Cockburn, T.; Di Masi, D.; Favretto, A.R; Fucci, S.; Long, J.; Olagnero, M.; Ricucci, R.; Santi, M.; Wyness, M.; Zaltron, F.
Arrivare non è tutto. Barriere invisibili nel passaggio da migranti a cittadini
2018-01-01 ricucci
Attenzione alle specificità e inclusione di studentesse e studenti
2022-01-01 Cecilia M. Marchisio, Chiara Ghislieri, Elena Bigotti, Roberta Ricucci
Becoming adult in hard times: current and future issues on job insecurity and autonomy
2015-01-01 Anna Baranowska Rataj; Sonia Bertolini; Chiara Ghislieri; Antonella Meo; Valentina Moiso; Rosy Musumeci; Roberta Ricucci; Paola Maria Torrioni
Becoming Adults during an Econmic Crisis: What Happens to the Second Generations?
2013-01-01 Roberta Ricucci
Becoming Adults during an Economic Crisis: What Happens to the Second Generations?
2013-01-01 Ricucci, Roberta
Being German, Becoming Muslim: Race, Religion, and Conversion in the New Europe
2016-01-01 Ricucci, Roberta
Being Muslims in Italy: Between Recognition and Conflict
2015-01-01 Martino, Simone C.; Ricucci, Roberta
Best and Promising Practices to Prevent Early School Leaving and Promote School Inclusion of Migrant and Refugee Children in Italy, Europe, Canada and the US: Strengths and Weaknesses from the Field
2020-01-01 Viviana Premazzi; Roberta Ricucci
Between research and revival. Emerging trends among highly religious young Catholics in Italy
2023-01-01 Luca Bossi; Loris Botto; Roberta Ricucci
Beyond musallas and the veil. The second generations’ religiosity: being Muslim and active citizens
2016-01-01 Roberta, Ricucci