A Dementia Friendly Community-led educational intervention to reduce dementia-related stigma
2023-01-01 Daniela Berardinelli, Silvia Gonella, Roberta Sturaro, Roberto Quarisa, Diego Taghetta Dur, Lucia Pavignano, Massimo Savio, Valerio Dimonte, Paola Di Giulio, Sara Campagna
A qualitative study of nurses’ perspective about the impact of end-of-life communication on the goal of end-of-life care in nursing home
2020-01-01 Gonella S.; Basso I.; Clari M.; Dimonte V.; Di Giulio P.
A qualitative study on family carers views on how end-of-life communication contributes to palliative oriented care in nursing home.
2020-01-01 Gonella S, Basso I, Clari M, Di Giulio P
A retrospective study of the safety of over 100,000 peripherally‐inserted central catheters days for parenteral supportive treatments
2019-01-01 Sara Campagna, Silvia Gonella, Paola Berchialla, Carla Rigo, Giacomo Morano, Pietro Antonio Zerla, Raffaella Fuzzi, Gianvito Corona, Silvana Storto, Valerio Dimonte, Baudolino Mussa
A Situation-Specific Theory of End-of-Life Communication in Nursing Homes
2023-01-01 Gonella, Silvia; Campagna, Sara; Dimonte, Valerio
Association Between End-of-Life Conversations in Nursing Homes and End-of-Life Care Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
2019-01-01 Gonella, Silvia; Basso, Ines; Dimonte, Valerio; Martin, Barbara; Berchialla, Paola; Campagna, Sara; Di Giulio, Paola
Avoidable and unavoidable pressure injuries among residents living in nursing homes: A retrospective study
2020-01-01 Palese A.; Zammattio E.; Zuttion R.; Ferrario B.; Ponta S.; Gonella S.; Comoretto R.; Palese A.
Breakthrough cancer pain: A guide towards assessment
2019-01-01 Gonella S.; Conti A.; Campagna S.
Can Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters Be Safely Placed in Patients with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy? A Retrospective Study of Almost 400,000 Catheter-Days
2019-01-01 Campagna S.; Gonella S.; Berchialla P.; Morano G.; Rigo C.; Zerla P.A.; Fuzzi R.; Corona G.; Storto S.; Dimonte V.; Mussa B.
Challenges Experienced by Italian Nursing Home Staff in End-of-Life Conversations with Family Caregivers during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
2022-01-01 Gonella, Silvia; Di Giulio, Paola; Antal, Alexandra; Cornally, Nicola; Martin, Peter; Campagna, Sara; Dimonte, Valerio
Characteristics of Breakthrough Pain and Its Impact on Quality of Life in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients
2019-01-01 Gonella, Silvia; Sperlinga, Riccardo; Sciannameo, Veronica; Dimonte, Valerio; Campagna, Sara
2023-01-01 Daniela Berardinelli, Silvia Gonella, Roberta Sturaro, Roberto Quarisa, Diego Taghetta Dur, Lucia Pavignano, Massimo Savio, Valerio Dimonte, Paola Di Giulio, Sara Campagna
Decision Support Intervention for people with advanced dementia residing in a nursing home: A study protocol for an International advance care planning intervention (mySupport study)
2022-01-01 Harding A, Doherty J, Bavelaar L, Walshe C, Preston N, Kaasalainen S, Sussman T, van der Steen J, Cornally N, Hartigan I, Loucka M, Vlckova K, Di Giulio P, Gonella S, Brazil K
Dementia-related stigma in Italian rural communities
2023-01-01 Daniela Berardinelli, Silvia Gonella, Roberta Sturaro, Roberto Quarisa, Diego Taghetta Dur, Lucia Pavignano, Massimo Savio, Valerio Dimonte, Paola Di Giulio, Sara Campagna
Didattica a distanza nel Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica durante la pandemia da COVID-19: percepito di docenti e studenti
2022-01-01 Massariello P, Gonella S, Facco S, Ruffinengo C, Ciocan M, Loro S, Dimonte V.
Effects of a Video-Based Preoperative Educational Intervention Plus Nurse-Led Reinforcement Discussion on Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Resilience in Patients Undergoing Major Surgery
2021-01-01 Gonella S.; Delfino C.; Rolfo M.; Rizzo A.; Esposito V.; Berchialla P.; Campagna S.
Family Caregivers’ Experience of Communication With Nursing Home Staff From Admission to End-Of-Life During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study Employing a Transitional Perspective
2022-01-01 Gonella S, Antal A, Tambone S, Cornally N, Martin P, Dimonte V, Di Giulio P
Good end-of-life care in nursing home according to the family carers’ perspective: A systematic review of qualitative findings
2019-01-01 Gonella, Silvia; Basso, Ines; De Marinis, Maria Grazia; Campagna, Sara; Di Giulio, Paola
Implementing a nurse-led quality improvement project in nursing home during COVID 19 pandemic: A qualitative study
2022-01-01 Silvia Gonella, Paola Di Giulio, Marianna Angaramo, Valerio Dimonte, Sara Campagna, Kevin Brazil
Interventions to reduce arterial puncture-related pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis
2022-01-01 Gonella, Silvia; Clari, Marco; Conti, Alessio; Simionato, Laura; Tassone, Cristina; Berchialla, Paola; Campagna, Sara