'Rome wasn't built in a day': Lobbies, institutions and speculation in the 1880s building fever
2012-01-01 Di Martino P.
A dissonant violin in the international orchestra? Discount rate policy in Italy (1894-1913)
2022-01-01 Paolo Di Martino, Fabio C. Bagliano
A tale of two Italies: ‘access-orders’ and the Italian regional divide
2020-01-01 Di Martino P.; Felice E.; Vasta M.
Approaching Disaster: Personal Bankruptcy Legislation in Italy and England, c.1880–1939
2005-01-01 Paolo Di Martino
At the heart of Fenoaltea’s narrative: Italy and the international financial market (1880-1913)
2022-01-01 Paolo Di Martino
Bankruptcy and insolvency laws around Europe, (1850-2015): Institutional change and institutional features
2020-01-01 Paolo Di Martino Mark Latham Michelangelo Vasta
Central banks’ interventions in exchange rate markets during the international gold standard: Italy 1880–1913
2023-01-01 Paolo Di Martino
Companies' insolvency and 'the nature of the firm' in Italy, 1920s-70s
2010-01-01 Di Martino P.; Vasta M.
Conclusioni. Il futuro economico dell’Italia in prospettiva storica: le policy oggi
2017-01-01 Gabriele Cappelli; Andrea Colli; Paolo Di Martino; Emanuele Felice; Alessandro Nuvolari; Alberto Rinaldi; Michelangelo Vasta
Discovering the dark heart of Italian capitalism: a perspective from Supreme Court legal cases and business consultants’ analyses (1950s-1970s)
2014-01-01 Di Martino, Paolo. Vasta, Michelangelo.
Economists vs. ‘central bankers’: views on exchange rates determination in Italy during the international gold standard (1880s-1913)
2022-01-01 Paolo Di Martino
Editors’ conclusions
2017-01-01 Paolo Di Martino, Peter Scott, Andrew Popp
Editors’ introduction: Economic history ‘as if people mattered’
2017-01-01 Paolo Di Martino, Andrew Popp, Peter Scott
Happy 150th anniversary, Italy? Institutions and economic performance since 1861
2015-01-01 Paolo Di Martino; Michelangelo Vasta
2017-01-01 Paolo Di Martino; Michelangelo Vasta
Istituzioni e performance economica in Italia: un’analisi di lungo periodo
2017-01-01 Paolo Di Martino; Michelangelo Vasta
Legal institutions, social norms, and entrepreneurship in Britain (c.1890-c.1939)
2012-01-01 Di Martino Paolo
Lobbying, Institutional Inertia, and the Efficiency Issue in State Regulation: Evidence from the Evolution of Bankruptcy Laws and Procedures in Italy, England, and the US (c.1870–1939)
2016-01-01 Di Martino, Paolo
Microcredit in Palestine (1995-2008): a business history perspective
2012-01-01 Paolo Di Martino; Shaker Sarsour
New directions in the history of Italian capitalism: A survey of business history on Italy, 1998-2021
2022-01-01 Paolo Di Martino