Risultati 1 - 16 di 16 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.037 secondi).
Alcune considerazioni sull’iscrizione luvio-geroglifica TELL AHMAR 2 e sull’episodio erodoteo di Gige e Candaule: i verba videndi e le connotazioni etico-sociali della vergogna connessa alla nudità
2023-01-01 Claudia Posani
Epithets and Iconographic Attributes of Kubaba in Syro-Anatolian Iron Age Sources
2024-01-01 Posani Claudia
La diffusione del culto di Kubaba in epoca neo-assira
2014-01-01 Claudia Posani
Le immagini testuali nelle fonti neo-ittite. Uno studio sulle modalità comunicative e sulla relazione testo-immagine nel mondo siro-anatolico dell'Età del Ferro.
2021-01-01 Claudia Posani
Learned Viziers and the Role of Multilingualism in Fashioning New Images of Power in Syro-Anatolian Polities in the Late 9th-8th Centuries BC
2024-01-01 Claudia Posani
Mirroring the God: Topic, Images and Word-Order in the Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription ALEPPO 6
2019-01-01 Claudia Posani
Osservazioni sull’uso dei nomi propri scribali nelle iscrizioni reali neo-ittite
2015-01-01 Claudia Posani
Riferimenti alla scrittura cuneiforme in Eschilo? Alcune riflessioni su Sette contro Tebe, v. 468
2024-01-01 Claudia Posani
Some Reflections about the Links between Rhetoric and Iconography in the Inscriptions of Yariris
2017-01-01 Claudia Posani
The Hieroglyphic Luwian KULULU 2 Inscription and Its Cross-Cultural Background
2022-01-01 Claudia Posani
The Lexicon of the Neo-Hittite Royal Inscriptions as a Tool for the Analysis of Political Ideology in South-Eastern Anatolian States in the First Millennium B.C.
2018-01-01 Claudia Posani
The Significance of the Embrace Metaphor in the Inscription KARKAMIŠ A 21
2020-01-01 Claudia Posani
The “Head” as a Synecdoche for “Person, Self”. The Connection with Life in the Homeric Poems and in Ancient Near Eastern Texts
2020-01-01 Claudia Posani
What is Meant by “Evil” in TELL AHMAR 1?
2018-01-01 Claudia Posani
Workshop ʻFigures of Speech in Mesopotamian and Syro-Anatolian Iron Age Textsʼ: 67th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale ʻEating and Drinking in the Ancient Near Eastʼ: Turin (12-16 July 2021)
2022-01-01 Claudia Posani