A fatal case of simultaneous ingestion of mirtazapine, escitalopram and valproic acid
2011-01-01 E. Gerace; A. Salomone; D. Di Corcia; M. Vincenti
Analysis of anti-estrogenic agents in human urine using fast-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
2008-01-01 E. Gerace; A. Salomone; S. Racca; M. Vincenti
Analysis of anti-estrogenic agents in human urine using fast-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
2008-01-01 E. Gerace; A. Salomone; S. Racca; M. Vincenti
Applicazione di una tecnica innovativa alle analisi per i controlli antidoping: determinazione di diuretici mediante fast-GC/MS
2005-01-01 P. Davit; M. Vincenti; V. Morra; A. Salomone; M. Pazzi; A. Di Stilo
Characterization of illicit amphetamines through 13C/12C and 15N/14N isotopic ratio measurements
2009-01-01 A. Salomone; M. Franzoni; D. Caneparo; M. Vincenti
Chemometric approach to open validation protocols. prediction of validation parameters in uhplc-ms/ms methods for large sets of analytes
2013-01-01 E. Alladio; A. Salomone; V. Pirro; D. Di Corcia; M. Vincenti
Chemometric evaluation of alcohol biomarkers: the prevalence of ethylglucuronide in hair for determining chronic assumption
2009-01-01 A.Salomone; D. Di Corcia; R.A. Salvo; A. Mastrone; A. Albarello; V. Valente; M. Petrarulo; S. Pellegrino; A. De Bernardis; M. Vincenti
Detection of 18 Synthetic Cathinones and New Stimulants in Urine
2014-01-01 D. Caneparo; F. Borio; A. Salomone; M. Vincenti; R. Testi
2013-01-01 D. Di Corcia; A. Salomone1; C. Luciano; E. Gerace; M. Vincenti
Determination of over 80 pharmaceutical and illicit drugs in (post-mortem) blood by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
2011-01-01 M. Vincenti; E. Gerace; V. Pirro; D. Di Corcia; A. Salomone
Determination of over 80 pharmaceutical and illicit drugs in (post-mortem) blood by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
2012-01-01 M. Vincenti; E. Gerace; V. Pirro; D. Di Corcia; A. Salomone
Determinazione di etilglucuronato nel capello per la valutazione dell’astinenza da alcol
2013-01-01 V. Pirro; D. Di Corcia; F. Seganti; A. Salomone; M. Vincenti
Determinazione di sostanze ad attività antiestrogenica in urina umana: sviluppo e validazione di un metodo analitico in fast-GC/MS
2008-01-01 E. Gerace; A. Salomone; G. Abbadessa; S. Racca; M. Vincenti
Distribution of chloralose in a fatal intoxication
2012-01-01 A. Salomone; E. Gerace; V. Ciccotelli; P. Rapetti; M. Vincenti
Distribution of Mephedrone in tissues and body fluids in a fatal multidrug intoxication.
2013-01-01 E. Gerace; M. Petrarulo; F. Bison; A. Salomone; M.Vincenti
Epidemiological evaluation of ethyl glucuronide levels in different keratin matrices
2010-01-01 V. Pirro; D. Di Corcia; S. Pellegrino; M. Vincenti; A. Salomone
Epidemiological evaluation of ethyl glucuronide levels in different keratinic matrices
2010-01-01 V. Pirro; D. Di Corcia; S. Pellegrino; M. Vincenti; A. Salomone
Epidemiological evaluation of ethyl glucuronide levels in different keratinic matrices
2010-01-01 V. Pirro; D. Di Corcia; S. Pellegrino; M. Vincenti; A. Salomone
Evidence of Haldol (Haloperidol) long-term intoxication
2010-01-01 E. Gerace; A. Salomone; V. Pirro; S. Pellegrino; M. Vincenti
Evidence of Haldol® (Haloperidol) long-term intoxication
2010-01-01 E. Gerace; A. Salomone; M. Vincenti; S. Pellegrino