An International Political Economy Approach to the Neighbourhood Policy. Studying the ENP at the shadow of the EMP
2008-01-01 Manuela Moschella
An International Political Economy Approach to the Neighbourhood Policy. The ENP from the enlargement and the Mediterranean perspectives
2007-01-01 Manuela Moschella
Back to The Drawing Board: The International Financial Architecture Exercise
2010-01-01 Manuela Moschella
Conclusions: Too little, too slow?
2013-01-01 Moschella M; Tsingou E
Cooperazione centralizzata e decentralizzata: il regime finanziario internazionale nell’era della globalizzazione finanziaria
2008-01-01 Manuela Moschella
Currency Wars in the Advanced World. Resisting Appreciation at a Time of Change in Central Banking Monetary Consensus
2015-01-01 Manuela Moschella
Delegation to and Discretion for the Financial Stability Board and the G20: Transaction Costs or Legitimacy Concerns?, GARNET Working paper N. 75/10
2010-01-01 Moschella M
Designing the Financial Stability Board. A Theoretical Investigation of Mandate, Discretion, and Membership
2013-01-01 Manuela Moschella
Different Varieties of Capitalism? British and Italian Policies in Response to the Sub-prime Crisis
2011-01-01 Manuela Moschella
Getting Hedge Funds Regulation into the EU Agenda: The Constraints of Agenda Dynamics
2011-01-01 Manuela Moschella
Global economic governance: Players, power and paradigms
2013-01-01 Moschella M; Weaver C
Governance e Democrazia: Un Dibattito
2008-01-01 Manuela Moschella
Governare la Finanza Globale. Istituzioni, processi decisionali e politiche pubbliche
2013-01-01 Moschella M
Governare la finanza globale: crisi e cambiamento
2012-01-01 Moschella M
Governing Risk: The IMF and Global Financial Crises
2010-01-01 Manuela Moschella
Great Expectations, Slow Transformations: Incremental change in post-crisis regulation
2013-01-01 Moschella M; Tsingou E
Handbook of Global Economic Governance. Players, Power and Paradigms
2013-01-01 Manuela Moschella; Catherine Weaver
Il Fondo Monetario Internazionale e l'assistenza finanziaria
2013-01-01 Moschella M
IMF Anchoring: Fostering Stabilization and Good Governance
2009-01-01 Manuela Moschella
IMF Surveillance in Crisis. The Past, Present, and Future of the Reform Process
2012-01-01 Manuela Moschella