BRUSTIO, Paolo Riccardo
BRUSTIO, Paolo Riccardo
1 km al giorno: studio di fattibilità per l'implementazione dei livelli di attività fisica nel contesto scolastico.
2017-01-01 Moisè, Paolo; Marasso, Danilo; Brustio, Paolo Riccardo; Miglio, Franco; Parente, Maria Gabriella; Olla, Gabriele; Bertello, Glauco; Rainoldi, Alberto; Boccia, Gennaro
A comparison between an ICT tool and a traditional physical measure for frailty evaluation in older adults
2019-01-01 Mulasso, Anna; Brustio, Paolo Riccardo; Rainoldi, Alberto; Zia, Gianluca; Feletti, Luca; N'dja, Aurèle; Del Signore, Susanna; Poggiogalle, Eleonora; Luisi, Federica; Donini, Lorenzo Maria
A Longitudinal Study on the Relationship Between Aerobic Endurance and Lower Body Strength in Italian Sedentary Older Adults
2015-01-01 Magistro D.; Candela F.; Brustio P.R.; Liubicich M.E.; Rabaglietti E.
A machine learning approach to analyze home advantage during COVID-19 pandemic period with regards to margin of victory and to different tournaments in professional rugby union competitions
2021-01-01 Ungureanu A.N.; Lupo C.; Brustio P.R.
A multidisciplinary pilot study in people with HIV who switched from triple to dual therapy: influence on physical capacities, lifestyle and oxidative stress
2024-01-01 Anna Mulasso, Jessica Cusato, Simone Cuomo, Stefano Laspia, Barbara Mercadante, Elena Turiano, Francesco Chiara, Jacopo Mula, Alice Palermiti, Alessandra Manca, Luca Beratto, Paolo Riccardo Brustio, Corrado Lupo, Antonio D'Avolio, Alberto Rainoldi
A nine-month program of adapted tango: the effects in adults with visual impairment
2014-01-01 Gallo, R.; Brustio, PAOLO RICCARDO; Zignin, Claudio; Perissinotto, Alessandro; Liubicich, Monica Emma
Abilità motorie in giovani atleti partecipanti ai programmi di Special Olympics. Uno studio preliminare
2014-01-01 M.E. Liubicich; P.R. Brustio; S.Albertano; C. Zignin; E. Rabaglietti
Actual and wished supports to promote a successful dual career according to Italian student-athletes’ point of view
2020-01-01 Brustio, Paolo Riccardo; Rainoldi, Alberto; Mosso, Cristina Onesta; de Subijana, Cristina López; Lupo, Corrado
Adapted tango for adults with visual impairment: a preliminary study
2014-01-01 P.R. Brustio; R. Gallo; C. Zignin; A. Perissinotto; M.E. Liubicich
Age Differences of Gaze Distribution during Pedestrian Walking in a Virtual-Reality Environment
2016-01-01 Bock, Otmar; Brustio, Paolo Riccardo; Borisova, Steliana
Age-related decrements in dual-task performance: Comparison of different mobility and cognitive tasks. A cross sectional study
2017-01-01 Brustio, Paolo Riccardo; Magistro, Daniele; Zecca, M.; Rabaglietti, Emanuela; Liubicich, Monica Emma
Age-related differences in dual task performance: A cross-sectional study on women
2017-01-01 Brustio P.R.; Magistro D.; Rabaglietti E.; Liubicich M.E.
Age-related differences of the gaze pattern in a realistic pedestrian traffic task
2015-01-01 O. Bock; P.R. Brustio; S. Borisova
Being a top swimmer during the early career is not a prerequisite for success: A study on sprinter strokes
2021-01-01 Brustio P.R.; Cardinale M.; Lupo C.; Varalda M.; De Pasquale P.; Boccia G.
Birth Advantages in Male Italian Soccer: How They Influence Players Youth Career and Their Future Career Status
2024-01-01 Morganti, Gabriele; Brustio, Paolo Riccardo; Ruscello, Bruno; Apollaro, Gennaro; Padua, Elvira; Kelly, Adam L.
Career trajectories, transition rates, and birthdate distributions: the rocky road from youth to senior level in men's European football
2024-01-01 Brustio, PR; McAuley, ABT; Ungureanu, AN; Kelly, AL
Changes in anthropometric and fitness profile of Italian regional academy rugby union players.
2022-01-01 Ungureanu A.N., Beratto L., Abate Daga F., Boccia G., Lupo C.*, Brustio P.R.
Changes in temporal parameters during performance of the Step Test in older adults
2015-01-01 P.R. Brustio; D.Magistro; M.E. Liubicich
Children’s physical activity and performances are weakly correlated
2023-01-01 corrado lupo, gennaro boccia, de pasquale paolo, alexandru ungureanu, anna mulasso, paolo brustio
Commentary: Comment and reflection about Mental health outcomes of the Daily Mile in elementary school children: a single-arm pilot study. The implementation of the Daily Mile in the school context
2023-01-01 Brustio, Paolo Riccardo