A new typology for comparing scientific advisory committees. Evidence from the Italian response to the COVID-19 pandemic
2023-01-01 Capano G.; Casula M.; Malandrino A.; Terlizzi A.; Toth F.
A Research Agenda for a Multilingual Education Policy in Immigratory Contexts
2021-01-01 Anna Malandrino
After the “honeymoon”, what is next? COVID-19 policies in Europe beyond the first wave
2022-01-01 Malandrino A.; Mavrot C.
Can Teachers’ Discretion Enhance the Role of Professionalism in Times of Crisis? A Comparative Policy Analysis of Distance Teaching in Italy and Switzerland during the COVID-19 Pandemic
2021-01-01 Malandrino A.; Sager F.
Comparing qualitative and quantitative text analysis methods in combination with document-based social network analysis to understand policy networks
2024-01-01 Malandrino A.
Conflict in decision making and variation in public administration outcomes in Italy during the COVID-19 crisis
2020-01-01 Malandrino A.; Demichelis E.
Evidence-Based Policymaking in Times of Acute Crisis: Comparing the Use of Scientific Knowledge in Germany, Switzerland, and Italy
2022-01-01 Hadorn S.; Sager F.; Mavrot C.; Malandrino A.; Ege J.
Explaining the Paucity of Migrant Language Valorization Policies in Europe: An Analysis of International and Supranational Constraints and Incentives
2023-01-01 Malandrino A.
Exploring the link between administrative styles and policy output: The case of the Italian Extraordinary Commissioner for the Covid-19 Emergency
2023-01-01 Casula M.; Malandrino A.
Fritz Sager, and Patrick Overeem, eds., The European Public Servant: A Shared Administrative Identity? Colchester: ECPR Press, 2015. 326pp. Hardback £65.00, ISBN: 9781907301742 Paperback £30.00, ISBN: 9781785522338 Fritz Sager, Christian Rosser, Céline Mavrot, and Pascal Y. Hurni. A Transatlantic History of Public Administration. Analyzing the USA, Germany and France. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2018. 224 pp. Hardback £67.50, ISBN: 9781788113748 E‐book €25, eISBN: 9781788113755
2021-01-01 Anna Malandrino
Il diritto di accesso ai documenti nelle gare d'appalto e la tutela di interessi commerciali legittimi e della concorrenza
2013-01-01 Anna Malandrino
Implementing Heritage Language Education in Migrant Hosting Countries: Lessons from the Austrian Case
2021-01-01 Anna Malandrino
Institutional Mayhem as Usual: Intergovernmental Relations between the Central Government and the Regions in Italy during the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic
2022-01-01 Malandrino A.; Capano G.
Is there leeway for Italian policy learning from advanced experiences in home language education? A comparative case study of Austria, Sweden and Italy
2021-01-01 Anna Malandrino
La cooperazione tra pubbliche amministrazioni ed in particolare tra amministrazioni aggiudicatrici del settore sanitario nell'Unione europea.
2016-01-01 Malandrino, Anna
Le politiche per la formazione iniziale degli insegnanti e l'accesso alla professione in Italia: caratteristiche e criticità alla luce dell'institutional layering
2021-01-01 Malandrino A.
Mapping the use of knowledge in policymaking: barriers and facilitators from a subjectivist perspective (1990–2020)
2022-01-01 Capano G.; Malandrino A.
Migrant Languages in Education: Problems, Policies, and Politics
2023-01-01 Anna Malandrino
Scientific Committees and COVID-19: Mapping Policy Advice in Italy|Comitati scientifici e COVID-19: una mappatura del policy advice in Italia
2023-01-01 Casula M.; Malandrino A.; Terlizzi A.
The Italian Policy Response to COVID-19: Did Political Leadership Matter?
2023-01-01 Capano, Giliberto; Malandrino, Anna