Aestethic impact of Brigittea civica webs on historical buildings in the down-rown district of Turin (NW Italy)
2017-01-01 Stefano MAMMOLA; Marco NERVO; Marco ISAIA
An outline of subterranean microclimate phenomenology
2014-01-01 Badino G.; Chiarle A.; Mammola S.; Isaia M.
Ancient roots, new places: First evidence of the presence of Cteniza sauvagesi in Southern Italy, supported by molecular data and ecological niche modeling
2015-01-01 Rizzo, P.; Mammola, S.; Enguidanos, A.; Sperone, A.; Opatova, V.; Arnedo, M.A.; Decae, A.; Isaia, M.
Climatic cabinet tests prove reduced thermal tolerance in Troglohyphantes spiders
2018-01-01 Stefano Mammola, Elena Piano, Marco Isaia
Climatic segregation and intra-cave ecology of Meta menardi and M. bourneti (Araneae, Tetragnathidae)
2014-01-01 Mammola S.; Isaia M.
Comparison between spider assemblages inhabiting the cave and the associated MSS in the Pugnetto hypogean complex (NW Italy)
2014-01-01 Piano E.; Mammola S.; Pantini P.; Isaia M.
Ecology and life history of Meta menardi (Latreille, 1804) e M. bourneti Simon, 1922 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae)
2013-01-01 S. Mammola; Paschetta M.; Isaia M.
Ecology of Argyroneta aquatica (Araneae, Cybaeidae) in a small resurgence of the Po Plain (NW- Italy)
2016-01-01 Stefano, Mammola; Riccardo, Cavalcante; Marco, Isaia
Filling the urban niche: assessing Darwin’s Naturalization Conundrum on invaded Italian bird communities
2024-01-01 Fabio Marcolin, Riccardo Alba, Stefano Mammola, Giacomo Assandri, Luca Ilahiane, Diego Rubolini, Luís Reino, Dan Chamberlain
Filogeografia, ecologia e storia naturale dei ragni cavernicoli del genere Pimoa.
From past to future: the response of Troglohyphantes to climate change dynamics
2015-01-01 Mammola, Stefano; Piano, Elena; Isaia, Marco
Global warming drives Alpine subterranean spiders to extinction
2016-01-01 Isaia, Marco; Mammola, Stefano
Potential of cave ecosystems as indicators for global warming
2014-01-01 Mammola S. ; Paschetta M.; Isaia M.
Shedding light on darkness: an integrative approach to elucidate the evolutionary history of the Alpine-Apenninic troglophilic Pimoa spiders
2015-01-01 Stefano, Mammola; Arnedo, Miquel; Hormiga, Gustavo; Isaia, Marco
Spider World Records: record-breaking achievements by spiders
2018-01-01 Stefano Mammola, Peter Michalik, Eileen A. Hebets, Marco Isaia
Spiders in caves: the CAWEB project
2017-01-01 Stefano MAMMOLA; Fulvio GASPARO; Marjan KOMENOV; Vlastimil RŮŽIČKA; Sylvain DÉJEAN; Samuel DANFLOUS; Hervé BRUSTEL; Robert S. VARGOVITSH; Robert ROZWAŁKA; Oana MOLDOVAN; Martina PAVLEK; Christo DELTSHEV; Boyan PETROV; Maria NAUMOVA; Srećko ĆURČIĆ; Andrej MOCK; Lubomir KOVAC; Pedro CARDOSO; László DÁNYI; Dorottya ANGYAL; Gergely BALÁZS; Carles RIBERA; Carlos E. PRIETO; Jon FERNÁNDEZ; Christian KOMPOSCH; Julian CARTER; Marco ISAIA
The assessment of the global extinction risk of an Alpine spider species threatened by climate change
2018-01-01 Filippo Milano, Stefano Mammola, Marco Isaia
The dark side of climate change
2016-01-01 Isaia, Marco; Mammola, Stefano
The ecological niche of subterranean spiders
2016-01-01 Stefano, Mammola; Elenia, Lazzaro; John, Dejanaz; Marco, Isaia
The evolutionary history of the Alpine-Apenninic troglophilic Pimoa spiders, an integrative approach
2016-01-01 Mammola, Stefano; Isaia, Marco