KAMEL, Lorenzo
KAMEL, Lorenzo
1917: La Dichiarazione Balfour e l’evoluzione del problema mediorientale
2019-01-01 Lorenzo Kamel
A “Natural” Order? States, Nations and Borders in a Changing Middle East
2017-01-01 lorenzo kamel
Arab Spring and Peripheries
2015-01-01 Lorenzo Kamel
Arab Spring: A Decentring Research Agenda
2015-01-01 Lorenzo Kamel; Daniela Huber
2015-01-01 LORENZO KAMEL
Arab Spring: The Role of the Peripheries
2015-01-01 Daniela Huber; Lorenzo Kamel
Artificial Nations? The Sykes-Picot and the Islamic State’s narratives in a historical perspective
2016-01-01 Lorenzo Kamel
Balfour Declaration
2018-01-01 Lorenzo Kamel
Changing Migration Patterns in the Mediterranean Region
2017-01-01 Lorenzo Kamel
Collapse and Rebirth of Cultural Heritage: The Case of Syria and Iraq
2020-01-01 lorenzo kamel
Colonialismi, decolonizzazioni: decostruire il passato, ricomporre il presente
2023-01-01 Kamel Lorenzo
Cultural Heritage as a Process of Accumulation
2020-01-01 lorenzo kamel
Dalle Profezie all’Impero: L’espansione dell’Occidente nel Mediterraneo orientale, 1798-1878
2015-01-01 Lorenzo Kamel
De-Threatenization of the Other. An Israeli and a Palestinian Case of Understanding the Other’s Sufferance
2012-01-01 Lorenzo Kamel
Decolonising (Knowledge on) Euro–Mediterranean Relations: Insights on Shared Histories and Futures
2022-01-01 Lorenzo Kamel
Framing the Partition Plan for Palestine
2022-01-01 Kamel Lorenzo
From Pluralization to Fragmentation: The Iraqi Kurdish Case from an Historical Perspective
2019-01-01 Lorenzo Kamel
Frontiere “artificiose” e confini “naturali”: il Medio Oriente a cento anni da Losanna
2019-01-01 Lorenzo Kamel
Globalization as a civilizing force for creating tolerant cosmopolitan societies?
2011-01-01 Lorenzo Kamel
Hajj Amīn al-Ḥusaynī, the “creation” of a leader
2013-01-01 Lorenzo Kamel