DIMONTE, Valerio
DIMONTE, Valerio
1965-1996: l’evoluzione di una professione
1996-01-01 Dimonte V
['A nurse fed with pompous words': working conditions and the primary nursing demands at the beginning of the 1900s]
1993-01-01 DIMONTE V
[A window on the past: are women more adapted to care of the sick?]
1992-01-01 DIMONTE V
[A window on the past: lay nurses and nun nurses in hospital modernization at the start of the 20th century]
1993-01-01 DIMONTE V
[A window on the past: nurses and education]
1992-01-01 DIMONTE V
[Community as learning opportunity for nursing students: The Lavàl Project of Val Chiusella]
2022-01-01 Targhetta Dur, Diego; Pavignano, Lucia; Zanini, Roberta; Vaccarono, Emilia; Centrella, Denise; Cogo, Fabrizia; Corgiat Loia, Romina; Milanesio, Erika; Quarisa, Roberto; Sturaro, Roberta; Milazzotto, Patrizia; Savio, Massimo; Occhiena, Clara; Campagna, Sara; Dimonte, Valerio
[For a history of nursing care and nurses in Italy: the indications for research on sources and bibliography]
1993-01-01 DIMONTE V
[Italian validation of the Chemotherapy Induced Taste Alteration Scale]
2016-01-01 Campagna, Sara; Gonella, Silvia; Stuardi, Maddalena; Sperlinga, Riccardo; Cerponi, Michele; Olivero, Monica; Giuliano, Piero Luigi; Marchese, Rosella; Carnovali, Elisa; Pedersini, Roberta; Berchialla, Paola; Dimonte, Valerio
[Nurses' perception of the organisational context of nursing homes: a descriptive study]
2021-01-01 Conti, Alessio; Campagna, Sara; Clari, Marco; Gianino, Maria Michela; Dimonte, Valerio
[Online resources for evidence based nursing care]
2001-01-01 DIMONTE V
[The implementation of recommendations in daily practice: the experience of the nurses of the Oncology institute of Southern Switzerland] L’applicazione delle raccomandazioni nella pratica quotidiana: L’esperienza degli infermieri dell’Istituto Oncologico della Svizzera Italiana
2014-01-01 Pedrazzani C; Bianchi M; Valcarenghi D; Dimonte V.
[The theses in tri-annual degree courses for nurses: towards a better orientation of the final dissertations for the nursing degrees]
[The use of expressive writing in the course of care for cancer patients to reduce emotional distress: analysis of the literature]
2015-01-01 Gallo, Isabella; Garrino, Lorenza; Di Monte, Valerio
A contribution to the validation of the Italian version of the work-related quality of life scale
2020-01-01 Garzaro, Giacomo; Clari, Marco; Donato, Francesca; Dimonte, Valerio; Mucci, Nicola; Easton, Simon; Van Laar, Darren; Gatti, Paola; Pira, Enrico
A Dementia Friendly Community-led educational intervention to reduce dementia-related stigma
2023-01-01 Daniela Berardinelli, Silvia Gonella, Roberta Sturaro, Roberto Quarisa, Diego Taghetta Dur, Lucia Pavignano, Massimo Savio, Valerio Dimonte, Paola Di Giulio, Sara Campagna
A national study of nursing homes as learning environments according to undergraduate nursing student’s perspective
2019-01-01 Gonella S.; Brugnolli A.; Terzoni S.; Destrebecq A.; Saiani L.; Zannini L.; Dimonte V.; Canzan F.; Mansutti I.; Palese A.
A Nationwide Italian Cross-sectional Study on Nursing Students' Perceived Workplace Safety During Clinical Practice
2021-01-01 Gonella, Silvia; Brugnolli, Anna; Bosco, Alice; Mansutti, Irene; Canzan, Federica; Randon, Giulia; Saiani, Luisa; Terzoni, Stefano; Zannini, Lucia; Destrebecq, Anne; Dimonte, Valerio; Grassetti, Luca; Palese, Alvisa
A peer mentoring case study with nursing students: evaluation of perception
2012-01-01 Laura Cominetti; Luigi Cirio; Pietro Altini; Patrizia Massariello; Ines Monino; Valentina Mussa; Francesca Manconi; Lucia Galaverna; Valerio Dimonte
A qualitative study of nurses’ perspective about the impact of end-of-life communication on the goal of end-of-life care in nursing home
2021-01-01 Gonella S.; Basso I.; Clari M.; Dimonte V.; Di Giulio P.
A retrospective study of the safety of over 100,000 peripherally‐inserted central catheters days for parenteral supportive treatments
2019-01-01 Sara Campagna, Silvia Gonella, Paola Berchialla, Carla Rigo, Giacomo Morano, Pietro Antonio Zerla, Raffaella Fuzzi, Gianvito Corona, Silvana Storto, Valerio Dimonte, Baudolino Mussa