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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
A Biomolecular Method for the Detection of Wood Decay Fungi: A Focus on Tree Stability Assessment 2009 NICOLOTTI G.; GONTHIER P.; GUGLIELMO F.; GARBELOTTO M.
A comprehensive approach to investigate the invasion by Heterobasidion irregulare in italy and its interaction with H. annosum 2011 GONTHIER P.; ANSELMI N.; CAPRETTI P.; BUSSOTTI F.; FEDUCCI M.; GARBELOTTO M.; GIORDANO L.; GUGLIELMO F.; HONORATI T.; LIONE G.; Luchi N.; MICHELOTTI S.; MICHELOZZI M.; NICOLOTTI G.; PAPARATTI B.; VETTRAINO A.M.
A comprehensive approach to investigate the invasion by Heterobasidion irregulare in Italy and its interaction with H. annosum. 2013 GONTHIER P.; ANSELMI N.; CAPRETTI P.; BUSSOTTI F.; FEDUCCI M.; GARBELOTTO M.; GIORDANO L.; GUGLIELMO F.; HONORATI T.; LIONE G.; LUCHI N.; MICHELOTTI S.; MICHELOZZI M.; NICOLOTTI G.; PAPARATTI B.; POLLASTRINI M.; SPERANZA S.; VETTRAINO A.M.
A fast and specific assay for the surveillance of the invasive forest pathogen Heterobasidion irregulare based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). 2018 Fabiano Sillo, Luana Giordano, Paolo Gonthier
A field key to identify common wood decay fungal species on standing trees 2007 GONTHIER P; NICOLOTTI G
A fungal invasion is enhanced by hybridization and gene introgression: Ecological and evolutionary implications of genomic admixing. 2018 Paolo Gonthier, Sillo Fabiano, Luana Giordano, Matteo Garbelotto
A molecular diagnostic assay for the detection and identification of wood decay fungi of conifers 2015 Gonthier, P.; Guglielmo, F.; Sillo, F.; Giordano, L.; Garbelotto, M.
A multiplex PCR-based method for the detection and early identification of wood rotting fungi in standing trees 2007 GUGLIELMO F; BERGEMANN S; GONTHIER P; NICOLOTTI G; GARBELOTTO M
A nonnative and a native fungal plant pathogen similarly stimulate ectomycorrhizal development but are perceived differently by a fungal symbiont 2017 Zampieri, Elisa; Giordano, Luana; Lione, Guglielmo; Vizzini, Alfredo; Sillo, Fabiano; Balestrini, Raffaella; Gonthier, Paolo
A PCR-based method for the identification of important wood rotting fungal taxa within Ganoderma, Inonotus s.l. and Phellinus s.l. 2008 GUGLIELMO F; GONTHIER P; GARBELOTTO M; NICOLOTTI G.
A Permutation-Randomization Approach to Test the Spatial Distribution of Plant Diseases 2016 Lione, G; Gonthier, P
A rapid molecular diagnostic assay for the detection and identification of wood decay fungi of conifers 2014 SILLO F.; GIORDANO L.; GUGLIELMO F.; GARBELOTTO M.; GONTHIER P.
A shift in nuclear state as the result of natural interspecific hybridization between two north american taxa of the basidiomycete complex Heterobasidion 2004 GARBELOTTO M; GONTHIER P; LINZER R; NICOLOTTI G; OTROSINA W
Advances in detection and identification of wood rotting fungi in timber and standing trees 2010 Nicolotti G.; Gonthier P.; Guglielmo F.
Air-borne inoculum composition, patterns of inter-group gene flow, of Heterobasidion annosum coll. species in pure and mixed natural forests in the Alps. 2003 P. GONTHIER; G. NICOLOTTI ; M. GARBELOTTO; G.C VARESE; G.P CELLERINO
Alberi monumentali del Piemonte: tutela, gestione, valorizzazione. 2018 CAMORIANO L., EBONE A., GONTHIER P., NOVERI D., OLIVERO E.
Alimentazione ed energia: gli obiettivi della difesa delle piante 2015 Gonthier, P.; Spadaro, D.
Allarme per le querce. Il fungo che minaccia l’Europa. 2003 NICOLOTTI G; P. GONTHIER
Altre malattie crittogamiche e da Oomycota 2014 VANNINI A.; ANSELMI N.; GONTHIER P.; VETTRAINO A.M.
Amplified fragment length polymorphism and sequence analyses reveal massive gene introgression from the European fungal pathogen Heterobasidion annosum into its introduced congener H. irregulare 2011 GONTHIER P.; GARBELOTTO M.