CIGOLI, Alan Stefano
CIGOLI, Alan Stefano
A characterization of final functors between internal groupoids in exact categories
2018-01-01 Cigoli A.S.
A Push Forward Construction and the Comprehensive Factorization for Internal Crossed Modules
2014-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Mantovani S.; Metere G.
A Relative Monotone-Light Factorization System for Internal Groupoids
2018-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Everaert T.; Gran M.
Action accessibility via centralizers
2012-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Mantovani S.
Algebraic logoi
2023-01-01 Bourn D.; Cigoli A.S.; Gray J.R.A.; Van der Linden T.
Algebraically coherent categories
2015-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Gray J.R.A.; Van der Linden T.
Birkhoff subfibrations of the codomain fibration
2024-01-01 Alan S. Cigoli; Sandra Mantovani
Characteristic subobjects in semi-abelian categories
2015-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Montoli A.
Discrete and Conservative Factorizations in Fib(B)
2021-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Mantovani S.; Metere G.
Extension theory and the calculus of butterflies
2016-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Metere G.
Fibered aspects of Yoneda's regular span
2020-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Mantovani S.; Metere G.; Vitale E.M.
Fibred-categorical obstruction theory
2022-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Mantovani S.; Metere G.; Vitale E.M.
Galois theory and the categorical peiffer commutator
2020-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Duvieusart A.; Gran M.; Mantovani S.
Obstruction theory in action accessible categories
2013-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Metere G.; Montoli A.
On Pseudofunctors Sending Groups to 2-Groups
2023-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Mantovani S.; Metere G.
On the normality of Higgins commutators
2015-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Gray J.R.A.; Van der Linden T.
On the representability of actions of Leibniz algebras and Poisson algebras
2023-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Mancini M.; Metere G.
Peiffer product and peiffer commutator for internal pre-crossed modules
2017-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Mantovani S.; Metere G.
The Third Cohomology 2-Group
2023-01-01 Cigoli A.S.; Mantovani S.; Metere G.