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"Spettroscopia Raman e mineralogia forense" 2019 Giacomo Diego Gatta; Luciana Mantovani; Mario Tribaudino
A comparison between ab initio calculated and measured Raman spectrum of triclinic albite (NaAlSi3O8) 2015 I. Aliatis; E. Lambruschi; L. Mantovani; D. Bersani; S. Andò; G.D. Gatta; P. Gentile; E. Salvioli-Mariani; Mauro Prencipe; M. Tribaudino; P.P. Lottici
A comparison between Ab Initio calculated and measured vibrational frequencies of the triclinic Albite 2014 Aliatis I.; Lambruschi E.; Mantovani L.; Bersani D.; Andò S.; Gatta G. D.; Gentile P.; Salvioli-Mariani E.; Mauro Prencipe; Tribaudino M.; Lottici P.P.
A comprehensive study of the magnetic properties of the pyroxenes series CaMgSi2O6-Co2Si2O6 as a function of Co content 2018 Delmonte, Davide; Gori, Claudia; Lambruschi, Erica; Mantovani, Luciana; Mezzadri, Francesco; Bersani, Danilo; Lottici, Pier Paolo; Gilioli, Edmondo; Solzi, Massimo; Tribaudino, Mario
A high temperature in situ single-crystal study of P4/n vesuvianite 1999 TRIBAUDINO M.; M. PRENCIPE
A high-pressure cubic-to-tetragonal phase-transition in melanophlogite, a SiO2 clathrate phase 2010 TRIBAUDINO M; GATTA D; LEE Y
A mineralogical approach to the authentication of an archaeological artefact: Real ancient bronze from Roman Age or fake? 2016 MANTOVANI, Luciana; TRIBAUDINO, Mario; Facchinetti, Grazia
A P2(1)/c-C2/c high-pressure phase transition in Ca0.5Mg1.5Si2O6 clinopyroxene 2001 TRIBAUDINO M.; M. PRENCIPE; NESTOLA F.; HANFLAND M.
A single crystal neutron diffraction investigation of diopside at 10 K 2000 M. Prencipe; M. Tribaudino; A. Pavese; A. Hoser; M. Reehuis
A single-crystal neutron diffraction investigation of spodumene at 54 K 2003 TRIBAUDINO M.; NESTOLA F.; M. PRENCIPE; RUNDLOF H.
A transmission electron microscope investigation on the C2/c -P21/c phase transition in clinopyroxenes along the diopside-enstatite (CaMgSi2O6-Mg2Si2O6) join 2000 TRIBAUDINO, Mario
Ab Initio calculated and experimental Raman spectra of Ca-Mg germanate (CaMgGe2O6): studying phase transitions of the Earth mantle 2014 Stangarone C.; Lambruschi E.; Aliatis I.; Mauro Prencipe; Bersani D.; Mantovani L.; Tribaudino M.; Lottici P.P.; Redhammer G.
Ab initio calculated and experimentally measured Raman spectra of spodumene (LiAlSi2O6) 2014 C. STANGARONE; M. PRENCIPE; L. MANTOVANI; D. BERSANI; M. TRIBAUDINO; P.P. LOTTICI
Ab initio simulations and experimental Raman spectra of Mg2SiO4 forsterite to simulate Mars surface environmental conditions 2017 Stangarone, C.*; Böttger, U.; Bersani, D.; Tribaudino, M.; Prencipe, M.
Al-Si configurations in Sr-feldspar: new single crystal XRD and TEM results. 1993 BENNA P.; TRIBAUDINO M.; BRUNO E
Al-Si equilibrium configurations and time evolution of Al-Si ordering in lead feldspar (PbAl2Si2O8) 1996 TRIBAUDINO M.; BENNA P.; MOLETTA G.; BRUNO E.
Al-Si order and spinodal decomposition texture of a sanidine from igneous clasts of Stromboli (Aeolian Arc, Southern Italy): insights into the timing between the emplacement of a shallow basic sheet intrusion and the eruption of related ejecta 2008 MENNA M; TRIBAUDINO, Mario; RENZULLI A.
Al-Si ordering in albite: a combined single-crystal XRD and Raman spectroscopy study 2018 Tribaudino Mario; Gatta Giacomo; Aliatis Irene; Bersani Danilo; Lottici Pier Paolo
Al-Si ordering in Sr-feldspar SrAl2Si2O8: IR, TEM and single-crystal XRD evidences. 1995 BENNA P.; TRIBAUDINO M.; E. BRUNO
Anomalous thermal expansion behavior of zoisite 2009 Cámara F; Pasqual D; Tribaudino M; Angel RJ; Nestola F