D'AMATO, Angela
D'AMATO, Angela
Dip. SCIENZA E TECNOLOGIA DEL FARMACO (attivo dal 01/01/1900 al 30/04/2013)
Accumulo di pesticidi clorurati nel tessuto adiposo umano: dati della provincia di Torino
1987-01-01 I.Pavan; E.Buglione; L.Pettinati; G.Perrelli; G.F.Rubino; C.Bicchi; A.D'Amato; F.Carlino; M.Bugiani; S.Polizzi
Analysis of essential oils by direct sampling from plant secretory structures and capillary gas chromatography
1985-01-01 C.Bicchi; A.D'Amato; C.Frattini; G.M.Nano; E.Cappelletti; R.Caniato
Capillary GLC controls of some alpine Artemisiae and related liqueurs
1985-01-01 C.Bicchi; A. D'Amato; G.M. Nano; C.Frattini
Capturing of volatiles emitted by living plants by means of thick film open tubular traps
1988-01-01 C.Bicchi; A.D'Amato; P.Sandra; F.David
Capturing of volatiles emitted by means of thick film open tubular traps
1989-01-01 C.Bicchi; A.D'Amato; P.Sandra; F.David
Chemical diversity of the secrete from the dimorphic secretory structures of Heracleum sphondylium subsp. sphondylium
1990-01-01 C.Bicchi; A.D'Amato; C.Frattini; E.Cappelletti; R.Caniato; R.Filippini
Cold on-colummn - Sample split injection with a three way press-fit device
1990-01-01 C.Bicchi; A. D'Amato; A. Galli; M. Galli
Cold on-colummn - Solvent split injection with a three way press-fit device
1992-01-01 C. Bicchi; A. D'Amato; I. Semeraro; A. Galli; M. Galli
Contemporary determination of linuron and trifluralin residues in carrots and their pulp by LC and GC
1993-01-01 A. D'Amato; I. Semeraro; C. Bicchi
Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of enantiomers of essential oil, aroma and flavour compounds
1995-01-01 C. Bicchi; V. Manzin; A. D'Amato; P. Rubiolo
Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixture of volatiles: Part III
1992-01-01 C. Bicchi; G. Artuffo; A. D'Amato; A. Galli; M. Galli
Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixture of volatiles: Part IV
1992-01-01 C. Bicchi; G. Artuffo; A. D'Amato; A. Galli; M. Galli
Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixture of volatiles: Part IX. The influence of the different polysiloxanes as diluting phase for 2,3-di-O-acetyl-6-O-t-butyldimethylsilyl--cyclodextrin on the separation of some racemates
1995-01-01 C.Bicchi; A.D'Amato; V.Manzin; A.Galli; M.Galli
Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixture of volatiles: Part V: Heptakis 2,6-Dimethyl-3-pentyl-b-cyclodextrins
1992-01-01 C. Bicchi; G. Artuffo; A. D'Amato; V. Manzin; A. Galli; M. Galli
Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixture of volatiles: Part VI: The influence of diluting phase on enantioselectivity of 2-6 di-O-methyl-3-O-pentyl-b-cyclodextrin.
1993-01-01 C. Bicchi; G. Artuffo; A. D'Amato; V. Manzin; A. Galli; M. Galli
Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixture of volatiles: Part VII: The use of 2,6-di-O-methyl-3-O-pentyl-b-cyclodextrin in the separation of racemates in complex mixtures
1994-01-01 C. Bicchi; A. D'Amato; V. Manzin; A. Galli; M. Galli
Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixture of volatiles: Part VIII: 2,6-di-O-methyl-3-O-pentyl-g-cyclodextrin and 2,6-di-O-methyl-3-O-(4-oxo-pentyl)- and 2,6-di-O-pentyl-3-O-(4-oxo-pentyl)-2,6-b- and -g - cyclodextrins
1995-01-01 C.Bicchi; A.D'Amato; V.Manzin; A.Galli; M.Galli
Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixture of volatiles: Part X. 2,3-di-O-ethyl-6-O-t-butyldimethylsilyl-b- and -g -cyclodextrins
1996-01-01 C.Bicchi; A.D'Amato; V.Manzin; A.Galli; M.Galli
Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixture of volatiles: Part XI. - Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC enantioseparation of essential oil components
1997-01-01 C. Bicchi; V. Manzin; A. D'Amato; P. Rubiolo
Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixture of volatiles: Part XII. Thick-film wide-bore columns for enantiomer GC preparation
1997-01-01 C. Bicchi; A. D'Amato; V. Manzin; A. Galli; M. Galli