BRUSCHI, Stefano

BRUSCHI, Stefano  


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Abdominoplasty after weight loss in morbidly obese patients: a 4-year clinical experience 2007 FRACCALVIERI M; DATTA G; BOGETTI P; VERNA G; PEDRALE R; BOCCHIOTTI MA; BORIANI F; OBBIALERO FD; KEFALAS N; BRUSCHI S
An atypical use of hydrocolloidal plate dressings: a quick precise template for reconstructive surgery 2006 BRUSCHI S; BORIANI F; CRAVERO L; OBBIALERO FD; KEFALAS N
An epic expert of hand neurosurgery: Homer 2007 VERGA M; VERNA G; BORIANI F; BOCCHIOTTI MA; BRUSCHI S; MORELLI E
Aulus Cornelius Celsus and his pre-modern patho-physiologic notions on obesity-associated morbidity and mortality 2008 KEFALAS N; BORIANI F; BELLEZZA E; BRUSCHI S
basic surgical practice on discared adipocutaneous flaps in massive weight loss surgery 2010 boriani f; degano k; bruschi s;
Bergamo 3D Rhinoplasty Software: Select, Store, and Share Surgical Maneuvers in a Three-Dimensional Nasal Model 2016 Codazzi, Denis; Bruschi, Stefano; Mazzola, Riccardo F.; Bocchiotti, Maria Alessandra; Bogetti, Paolo; Ortelli, Luca; Robotti, Enrico
Can Single Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy be an alternative method to manage keloid scarring? A preliminary report of a clinical and ultrasound/colour-power-doppler study. 2013 Fraccalvieri M;Sarno A;Gasperini S;Zingarelli E;Fava R;Salomone M;Bruschi S
Chirurgia plastica della grande obesità: utilizzo della colla di fibrina nei principali interventi di rimodellamento coroporeo.Addominoplastica e lifting inguino-crurale 2009 S. Bruschi; M.Verga; G. Bocchiotti
Closed Rhinoplasy with Marginal Incision: Our Experience and Results 2006 Bruschi S; Bocchiotti MA; Verga M; Kefalas N; Fraccalvieri M
Congenital mammary asymmetry. Classification and surgical treatment 2007 S. BRUSCHI; P. BOGETTI; M.A. BOCCHIOTTI; N. KEFALAS; F. BORIANI; D. MARCHESI; M. VERGA; M. FRACCALVIERI
Cranioplasty with polymethylmethacrylate. The clinico-statistical considerations 1998 LUPARELLO D.; BRUSCHI S.; VERNA G.; BOGETTI P.; DATTA G.; FRACCALVIERI M.;LUPARELLO V.
Cryotreatment of keloids: a single Italian institution experience 2016 Fraccalvieri, Marco; Bogetti, Paolo; Salomone, Marco; Di Santo, Claudia; Ruka, Erind; Bruschi, Stefano
Cytosolic heat shock proteins and heme oxygenase-1 are preferentially induced in response to specific and localized intramitochondrial damage by tetrafluoroethylcysteine 2006 HO HK ;JIA Y ;COE KJ ;GAO Q ;DONEANU CE ;HU Z ;BAMMLER TK ;BEYER RP ;FAUSTO N ;BRUSCHI SA ;NELSON SD
Delayed treatment of persistent radial nerve paralysis associated with fractures of the middle third of humerus: review and evaluation of the long-term results of 52 cases 2007 VERGA M; PERI DI CAPRIO A; BOCCHIOTTI MA; BATTISTELLA F; S. BRUSCHI; PETROLATI M
Distally based fasciocutaneous sural flap for foot reconstruction: a retrospective review of 10 years experience. 2008 Fraccalvieri M;Bogetti P;Verna G;Carlucci S;Fava R;Bruschi S
Electrical stimulation for difficult wounds: Only an alternative procedure? 2015 Fraccalvieri, Marco; Salomone, Marco; Zingarelli, Enrico M; Rivarossa, Filippo; Bruschi, Stefano
Functional evaluation of the restored mucosa after nasal reconstruction with a forehead-galea flap 2017 Bocchiotti, Maria A.; Spaziante, Luca; Ruka, Erind*; Pecorari, Giancarlo; Garzaro, Massimiliano; Riva, Giuseppe; Rossi, Mia; Bruschi, Stefano
Galea-including forehead flap for lower one-third nasal reconstruction 2009 Bruschi S; Marchesi SD; Boriani F; Kefalas N; Bocchiotti MA; Fraccalvieri M
Gauze-based negative pressure wound therapy: a valid method to manage pyoderma gangrenosum? 2012 Fraccalvieri M; Fierro MT; Salomone M; Fava P; Zingarelli EM; Cavaliere G; Bernengo MG; Bruschi S.
Giant basal cell carcinoma: a series of 37 cases without metastasis. 2012 Codazzi D;Bruschi S;Bocchiotti MA;Robotti E