MORI, Andrea
MORI, Andrea
A Canonical Map between Hecke Algebras
1999-01-01 MORI A; L. TERRACINI
A characterization of integral elliptic automorphic forms
1994-01-01 A. Mori
A condition for the rationality of certain elliptic modular forms over primes dividing the level
1991-01-01 A. Mori
An integrality criterion for elliptic modular forms
1990-01-01 A. Mori
Explicit period matrices of abelian surfaces with quaternionic mutiplications
1992-01-01 A. Mori
FFF. Fibonacci: di fiore in fiore
2002-01-01 A. Mori
Funzioni L p-adiche e interpolazione
2002-01-01 M. Ciavarella; L. Grenié; A. Mori; L. Terracini
Lezioni di Matematica Discreta
2018-01-01 Andrea Mori
Lezioni di Matematica Discreta - Seconda Edizione
2023-01-01 Andrea Mori
M3123588 Review of: Kikuta, Toshiyuki; Nagaoka, Shoyu On p-adic quaternionic Eisenstein series. Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg. 83 (2013), no. 2, 147–157.
2014-01-01 Andrea Mori
Matematica e filatelia
2002-01-01 A. Mori
MR1821181 Review of: Yafaev, Andrei: Special points on products of two Shimura curves. Manuscripta Math. 104 (2001), no. 2, 163--171.
2002-01-01 A. Mori
MR1834501 Review of: Bertolini, Massimo: Elliptic curves and congruent numbers. (Italian) Archimede 53 (2001), no. 1, 32--45.
2002-01-01 A. Mori
MR1846618Review of: Carlton, David Moduli for pairs of elliptic curves with isomorphic $N$-torsion. Manuscripta Math. 105 (2001), no. 2, 201--234.
2002-01-01 A. Mori
MR1847663 Review of: Hurlburt, Chris: Isogeny covariant differential modular forms modulo $p$. Compositio Math. 128 (2001), no. 1, 17--34.
2002-01-01 A. Mori
MR1849264 Review of: Dummigan, Neil Congruences of modular forms and Selmer groups. Math. Res. Lett. 8 (2001), no. 4, 479--494.
2002-01-01 A. Mori
MR1880045 Review of: Ishida, Nobuhiko; Ishii, Noburo: Generators and defining equation of the modular function field of the group $\Gamma\sb 1(N)$. Acta Arith. 101 (2002), no. 4, 303--320.
2003-01-01 A. Mori
MR1881569 Review of: Goldberger, A.; de Shalit, E.: Tamely ramified Hida theory. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 52 (2002), no. 1, 1--45.
2003-01-01 A. Mori
MR1886760 Review of: Edixhoven, Bas: Rational elliptic curves are modular (after Breuil, Conrad, Diamond and Taylor). Séminaire Bourbaki, Vol. 1999/2000. Astérisque No. 276 (2002), 161--188.
2004-01-01 A. Mori
MR1892103 Review of: Momose, Fumiyuki; Shimura, Mahoro: Lifting of supersingular points on $X\sb 0(p\sp r)$ and lower bound of ramification index. Nagoya Math. J. 165 (2002), 159--178.
2003-01-01 A. Mori