ROMANZI, Valentina
ROMANZI, Valentina
American Nightmares: Dystopia in Twenty-First-Century US Fiction
2022-01-01 Valentina Romanzi
An Interview with Jenny L. Davis and Four Poems from Trickster Academy
2023-01-01 Romanzi; Valentina
Coin-operated doors and pirated toasts: reflections on capitalism from Philip K. Dick’s Ubik to Cory Doctorow’s Unauthorized Bread
2022-01-01 Valentina Romanzi
Contaminazioni. Un approccio interdisciplinare
2021-01-01 Secomandi, Alessandro; Romanzi, Valentina; Serra, Danilo
Da distruttore di mondi a salvatore dell'umanità. Le due facce della scienza in The Oppenheimer Alternative di Robert J. Sawyer
2022-01-01 Valentina Romanzi
God says ‘gay rights’: queering Christian theology in the Good Omens fandom
2021-01-01 Romanzi V.
JAm It! (Journal of American Studies in Italy), Núm. 6 (2022): The Fractured States of America
2022-01-01 Valentina Romanzi; Bruno Walter Renato Toscano
La letteratura nell’Antropocene. Il progetto “Narrare il cambiamento climatico”
2025-01-01 Valentina Romanzi; Antonella Giacosa; Maria Mamone
Let the Plan(e)t Speak for Itself: Agency, Empathy, and Subjectivity in Sue Burke's Semiosis
2022-01-01 Romanzi; Valentina
Levels of Reality in Steven Spielberg's Ready Player One: Utopia, Dystopia, Retrotopia
2020-01-01 Romanzi; Valentina
Love Is a Thing with Feathers: Posthuman Metamorphoses in “This Is How You Lose the Time War”
2023-01-01 Romanzi; Valentina
Margaret Atwood: The Testaments
2019-01-01 Romanzi; Valentina
Minaccia, sfida, opportunità. Una panoramica sulle contaminazioni
2021-01-01 Romanzi, Valentina; Secomandi, Alessandro; Serra, Danilo
Non-human Narrators in Science Fiction
2022-01-01 Valentina Romanzi; Oriana Palusci
Note sul valore della risignificazione
2021-01-01 Valentina Romanzi
Parental Androids: An Analysis of Non-normative Care Discourse in Contemporary Televised Science Fiction
2023-01-01 Franceschi, Valeria; Romanzi, Valentina
Plural Identities in Sam J. Miller's Blackfish City
2020-01-01 Romanzi; Valentina
Poesia dal carcere. Intervista e testi in traduzione italiana
2019-01-01 Renna, Dora; Romanzi, Valentina
Staying Human in the Post-Apocalypse: The Frontiers of Individualism in The Last of Us and Its Sequel
2023-01-01 Valentina Romanzi
Tarantino, mitopoiesi e retrotopia
2024-01-01 Valentina Romanzi