Dip. SCIENZE MINERALOGICHE E PETROLOGICHE (attivo dal 01/01/1900 al 31/12/2011)
(100) and (111) forms of the NaCl -like crystals coexisting in growth from pure aqueous solution
2006-01-01 D. Aquilano; L. Pastero; M. Rubbo; M. Bruno; G. Sgualdino
2D epitaxy of lithium carbonate inducing growth mechanism transitions on (00.1) - K and (01.8) - S forms of calcite crystals(0723)
2004-01-01 L. Pastero; E. Costa; M. Rubbo; D. Aquilano
Aggregation of BaCO3 nanoindividuals in biomineral-like polycrystalline structures
2007-01-01 Erica Bittarello; Dino Aquilano
Calcite crystal habit modifications by surface specific impurities
2006-01-01 S. Rosa; L. Pastero; D. Aquilano; G. Sgualdino
Crescita, adsorbimento e morfologia di cristalli di saccarosio in soluzioni acquose contenenti raffinosio
2004-01-01 G. Sgualdino; R. Fioravanti; D. Aquilano
Crystalline microbubbles nucleated and grown around gas cavities formed in solution and melt(0795)
2004-01-01 D. Aquilano; F.R. Massaro; A. Genovese; E. Costa; M. Rubbo
Epitaxy-ruled growth of large Ca-hydroxyapatite crystals from aqueous solution
2016-01-01 Pastero, Linda; Bruno, Marco; Rubbo, Marco; Aquilano, Dino
Evidence of screw dislocation on gypsum crystals as principal mechanism of growth at low supersaturation
2018-01-01 Criado Reyes, Joaquin; Pastero, Linda; Bruno, Marco; Aquilano, Dino; Otálora Muñoz, Fermín; García Ruiz, Juan Manuel
Experimental evidence on the influence of the faster growing (-111) face over gypsum growth morphology
2005-01-01 W. Tiano; M. Moret; D. Aquilano; G. Artioli
First finding of biomimetic aragonite polycrystalline structures
2008-01-01 Erica Bittarello; Dino Aquilano
Growth mechanisms transitions induced by 2D epitaxy of lithium carbonate on kinked (0001) and stepped (01-18) faces of calcite crystals
2004-01-01 L. Pastero; E. Costa; D. Aquilano; M. Rubbo
Growth morphology and segregation of sucrose crystals grown from aqueous solutions in the presence of raffinose
2006-01-01 G. Sgualdino; R. Fioravanti; G. Vaccari; D. Aquilano; L. Pastero
Growth of Carbonates. New experimental and theoretical insights
2007-01-01 M. Rubbo; M. Bruno; E. Costa; R. Massaro; L. Pastero; D. Aquilano
2016-01-01 PASTERO, Linda; BRUNO, Marco; RUBBO, Marco; CAMARA ARTIGAS, Fernando; AQUILANO, Dino
Growth polytypism: new experimental and theoretical insights
2006-01-01 D. Aquilano; M. Moret
Habit modification in calcite crystals induced by random and epitaxial adsorption of inorganic and organic compounds
2007-01-01 D. Aquilano; E. Costa; L. Pastero
Hydrothermal growth of ZnO (wurtzite like) nanocrystals. Surface quality enhancement due to the use of ZnCl2 rich solutions
2012-01-01 Linda Pastero; Dino Aquilano
Morphological change of Calcite crystals grown from aqueous solution in the presence of L - and D/L - Aspartic acid
2011-01-01 Pastero L.; Costa E.; Bruno M.; Aquilano D
Morphology of halite growing from pure aqueous solution. Experiments and preliminar theoretical considerations
Nanostrutture epitattiche sulla calcite (CaCO3). Adsorbimento di Li2CO3 e transizione delle forme (0001) da K a F a K e (01-18) da S a K
2004-01-01 L. Pastero; D. Aquilano; E. Costa; M. Rubbo