GABUSI, Giuseppe
GABUSI, Giuseppe
"Di là dal fiume e tra gli alberi": l’economia cinese dopo quarant’anni di Stato sviluppista
2018-01-01 Giuseppe Gabusi
"Whatever it takes": La political economy del Partito Comunista Cinese
2021-01-01 Shaun Breslin; Giuseppe Gabusi
'Whatever it Takes': The Political Economy of the Chinese Communist Party
2024-01-01 Breslin, S.; Gabusi, G.;
Authoritarian resilience through top-down transformation: making sense of Myanmar's incomplete transition
2019-01-01 Stefano Ruzza; Giuseppe Gabusi; Davide Pellegrino
Caught in the middle? Italy and China after COVID-19
2020-01-01 Giuseppe Gabusi; Giorgio Prodi
Change and Continuity: Capacity, Coordination and Natural Resources in Myanmar’s Periphery
Changing and yet the same? Italy’s foreign policy ideas and National Role Conceptions in a populist age
2024-01-01 Gabusi, Giuseppe; Caffarena, Anna
China's Belt and Road Initiative in Eurasia: Space-Shaping as Ordering
2019-01-01 Caffarena, Anna, Gabusi, Giuseppe
China’s Structural Power and the Fate of the BCIM Economic Corridor
2020-01-01 Gabusi G.
Crossing the river by feeling the gold: The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the financial support to the Belt and Road Initiative
2017-01-01 GABUSI G
Drivers of Global Change: Responding to East Asian Economic and Institutional Innovation
2021-01-01 Giuseppe Gabusi
Esserci o non esserci? L'ambivalenza della Presidenza Trump verso l'Asia-Pacifico
2021-01-01 Giuseppe Gabusi
Europa e Cina nell’ordine in trasformazione: il ruolo del multilateralismo
2019-01-01 Anna Caffarena; Giuseppe Gabusi
Europe-China and the Third Way: steering order in times of change. Evidence from the AIIB and WTO reform
2022-01-01 Anna Caffarena; Giuseppe Gabusi
Global Standards in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: The Contribution of the European Members
2019-01-01 Gabusi G.
Il nuovo ruolo dell'India nel sistema internazionale e le implicazioni per l'Italia
2024-01-01 Giuseppe Gabusi
Industrial policy and special economic zones: Engaging transformation in a globalised world
2024-01-01 Gabusi Giuseppe; Boario Michele
Industrial policy and special economic zones: engaging transformation in a globalised world
2021-01-01 Giuseppe Gabusi; Michele Boario
2024-01-01 Giuseppe Gabusi
Join the conversation: innovating to address the global political economy challenges of our time
2021-01-01 Anna Caffarena; Giuseppe Gabusi